Team Jammu donates blood, urges Govt to facilitate donors

Volunteers of Team Jammu donating blood for needy patients during lockdown in Jammu.
Volunteers of Team Jammu donating blood for needy patients during lockdown in Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 3: Continuing its welfare initiatives by donating blood besides distributing dry ration among the needy, Team Jammu has appealed the Government to facilitate the donors who are volunteering to donate blood at the time of ongoing lockdown due to COVID-19 threat.
The Team Jammu volunteers, led by Chairman Zorawar Singh Jamwal, are donating blood to the patients who are in severe need of the same because of certain ailments. These patients include the kids suffering of Thelasemia, whose parents approached Team Jammu.
The Team Jammu has prepared a list of young volunteers, who have offered themselves for donating blood at this time of crisis.
“Besides continuing our service of distributing dry ration among the poor and installing containers of sanitizers at public places like banks and ATMs, we have started this new initiative after Team Jammu came to know about shortage of blood in the hospitals,” said Zorawar Singh.
He said even as the Team Jammu is trying its best to ensure that blood may be arranged for every needy patient, the volunteers are facing difficulties   to approach the needy because of lockdown and COVID-19 threat.
“In such a situation, the Health Department must come forward and facilitate the donors by approaching them at their door steps for collecting blood,” he said and urged the Lt Governor G C Murmu and Financial Commissioner Health, Atal Dulloo to issue necessary directions in this regard.
It is pertinent to mention that ever since the lockdown was enforced, Team Jammu volunteers have been distributing dry ration among the needy families across Jammu, besides installing some containers of homemade sanitizers near banks and ATMS for fighting COVID -19.
“Team Jammu will leave no stone unturned to serve the society, particularly at the time of present crisis when entire world is fighting against COVID-19 pandemic. I wish youth come forward and join hands with Team Jammu for the cause of serving society” Zorawar said.
Those who donated blood included Sunil Singh Raipuria, Vijay Kumar and Raman Raina.