Technical snag in video conference delays Headley’s deposition

MUMBAI : The deposition of American-Pakistani terrorist David Coleman Headley was today delayed due to a technical snag in the video conference.
Headley was deposing for the third consecutive day before a court here in connection with 26/11 terror attack case.
Special public prosecutor, who is presently examining Headley, said the deposition has been delayed temporarily due to a technical snag from their side.
However, it is still not clear if the deposition for the day will be cancelled.
Headley is being examined as an approver in the 26/11.
Deposing from a undisclosed location yesterday, Headley told the special judge G A Sanap that ISI was helping different terror outfits in Pakistan by providing financial, military and moral support.
Terror outfits LeT, Jaish-e-Mohammad and Hizbul Mujahideen are given “financial” and “military” support by the ISI, Pakistani-American terrorist David Coleman Headley said yesterday as he made fresh revelations including about an aborted plan to target Indian defence scientists and famous Siddhivinayak temple here. (AGENCIES)