Technology in 21st century

Avleen Kour
Nature cares nothing for logic, our human logic: She has her own, which we do not recognize and do not acknowledge until we are crushed under its wheel. -Ivan Turgenev
The 21st century is the world of Internet, Social networking and Cyber culture. It has always had a great impact on us from the time of World War. The basic necessities or our daily work ranging from ‘finding the meaning of a new word’ to ‘creating a new algorithm’ are all initiated from our dear ‘Google’. After computer started conquering people in their talents, the fanciness of these machines started further. Earlier there were just personal computers. Then with the advancements came the laptops and mobile phones-specifically the Android technology. To my context, I would rather say “Facebook came from our computers to phones”. The social network grew wider.
Alongside Facebook came many other social networking applications. On the top being: Whatsapp, Hike, Viber, Skype, Hangouts etc. all came side by side. The social network grew large and is continuing to grow ubiquitously. From the glimpses of the past, we see there were hardly any on social sites but presently it has become a part of every family member in the house.
More or the less, the technology has affected us in all ways. In our daily lives, there is this one metallic box called the mobile which we can go all the day hanging out with. And when it comes to talking, it is already said that there will soon be a time when all human beings will have slanted necks as if they were talking on mobile phones forever.
Where it has all lead us is in a ‘vicious trap’ where none knows what is in store for us in the end. It is not far that there will be a time when we have just social online circle around us because we have made ourselves so busy that we do not have time for anyone. Though we have lots of time to waste on the social networks but the social ‘offline’ network which we created is somewhere misty and almost on the verge of hiding. Ironically, if a man wasting his entire day in surfing the net says he has high blood pressure. That will be an obvious reason. Technology in some way or the other paralyzes a man and makes him lethargic. If that won’t lead to some blood pressure or anything, what will it lead to?
This is where it has all led to. No doubt it is a way of gaining knowledge but it has its demerits too. Technology has made the 21st century its servant in every way. It gave its merits but on the other hand did kill the interpersonal skills. But the main question is that did technology only make us that kind?The answer is no. We ourselves made us that way that we became more occupied by these metallic cases. As said by Nobel Laureate ‘MalalaYousafzai’: “all a child needs is a pen and paper”.
The century we stepped in was different, today it is different and tomorrow, the same century will be different. The only difference is that we changed. A bit of us changed.