Technology development for hilly areas

Dr.Banarsi Lal and Dr.Shahid Ahamad
In technology development, technology choice has a critical impact on many aspects of hilly areas development, especially the way we choose it, the way we design it, the way we deliver it to the masses. Technology is carefully chosen to enable the local people to imbibe knowledge appropriate to their needs and environment. Technology should upgrade the skills and capabilities, reduce drudgery, minimize fatigue, capable of easy assimilation, generate added value to the existing methods of operation, generate employment, low in capital investment, low in cost of production, be capable of replication and adoption and should blend harmoniously with existing eco-systems leading to tangible improvements in the living conditions and development of the people of hilly areas. There is a need to introduce appropriate technologies in the hilly areas particularly in disadvantaged groups. There is a need of institutional linkages and active participation of voluntary organisations, Science and Technology based institutions, Research and Development institutions, financial agencies and most importantly people who are the primary stakeholders. Success of these technologies lies on participatory systems with a systematically approach for effective dissemination of technology. There should be proper mechanism in development and transfer of effective technologies in the hilly areas.
The requirement of technology is assessed by the Science and Technology based institutions and NGOs. These organisations then look for ideal technology option ensuring the availability of local resources and skills. Technology is developed according to the in-house capability of the local people with the assistance of technical institutions. The technology is developed in such a way so that it is accepted by the people of hilly areas and which is best suited in their local conditions for a long-term sustainability. The people are trained for 2-3 years to handle the new technology and they are also trained in its maintenance and repair. The Science and Technology institutions and NGOs also helps in backward and forward linkages both for production as well as marketing for long-term sustainability.
Looking into constraints and priority needs of the people of hilly areas, various thrust areas need special attention ensuring involvement of local community through network of developmental field groups in technological empowerment. Agriculture in hilly areas is the most important activity as it is directly related with the villager’s sustenance. Agriculture in hilly areas is mostly rainfed, poor crop productivity, poor cultivation practices etc. The interventions in hilly areas should be viewed as specific as follows:
* Organic farming: Organic farming has immense potential in hilly areas. The litter fall in hilly areas can be utilised for compost making. This can highlight unproductive hilly areas contour as organic farm. Organic products produced in hilly areas can help the farmers to fetch better prices.
* Off season vegetable and seed production: In hilly areas off season vegetables can be grown which can fetch higher prices. Seed production and low cost nurseries units made in hilly areas   can generate the income.
* Non-perishable cultivation: The perishable products do not fetch better prices due to various market intricacies. The hilly areas agro-climate offers better potential for non-perishable products such as spices, pulses, oilseeds etc.
* Horticulture: Horticulture has lot of scope in hilly areas. Different varieties of fruit crops can be produced in hilly areas. But the fate of all such produce has been poor due to certain reasons such as: transportation facilities, storage facilities and processing facilities. Horticulture in hilly areas is largely ignored but it has immense potential.  Hilly areas farmers need proper training for horticultural crops. There should be storage, processing and packaging facilities of fruit crops for commercial purpose.
* Animal husbandry: In hilly areas scarcity of fodder crops for animals is observed specially in off seasons. There is a need to produce high breeds of animals in hilly areas. Buffalo rearing, poultry farming and goat rearing have lot of scope in hilly areas. The special varieties of fodder crops should be introduced in hilly areas.
* Cover Management: Green cover in hilly areas is very important for the maintenance of environment. The green cover with appropriate bio-engineering plantation management is considered as need based.
* Water power: Water and energy are important resources for the hilly areas ecosystem. In hilly areas large numbers of dams are in process in  but the traditional water mills, huller, carding devices should also be taken into consideration for the up gradation. Strenuous efforts are needed to develop sustainable technologies for harnessing and conserving renewable energy like water lifting devices, solar lantern etc.
* Disaster Management: Capacity building and technological empowerment are needed to mitigate the disaster management challenges for the people of hilly areas.
* Herbs: Medicinal plants occurring in hilly areas have a great national and international importance. Growing awareness towards herbal therapy provides immense scope for developing herbal industries in hilly areas.
* Health care and sanitation: Health care of hilly areas people is an important area that needs to be taken care of. There is need of technology intervention in the area of rural sanitation.
* Tourism: Tourism forms the basis for the economy of many hilly places. There should be linkage between the people of hilly areas and hill tourism. Rural tourism should be promoted in hilly areas.
It is concluded that the bottom up approach for participatory technology development starting with the people and with the contribution of Science and Technology Institutions and close interface with voluntary organisations  can provide sustainable models for technology development and transfer. Appropriate networking and linkages amongst people and institutions can change the lives of the people of hilly areas through technological empowerment and capacity building at the grassroots level.
( The writers are: Dr.Banarsi Lal, Asstt. Professor and Dr.Shahid Ahamad, Assoc.  Professor, KVK Reasi (Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Jammu).