Tell Pak India won’t tolerate terror attacks: Farooq

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 5: NC President Farooq Abdullah today said India should make clear to Pakistan that it will not tolerate such attacks and that the country should mend its ways.
“We should clearly tell Pakistan that we want to live in peace but we will not tolerate this (such terror attacks),” Farooq told reporters today.
“We should tell Pakistan to mend its ways or whatever will happen later, you (Pak) solely would be responsible,” he said.
“Poor people are dying (in terror attacks). Jawans who are for our security, are losing their lives in such attacks and they are not planning to invade Pakistan. He (Jawans) is here to defend and provide security to people of Jammu and Kashmir. Why should he be killed or a civilian be killed or hostage-taking take place,” he further said.
Taking a dig at peace talks, he said, “What will we be getting from Track-2, Track-3 and security meetings of National Security Adviser?”
He also referred to the talks between the Indian Prime Minister and Pakistani counterpart and asked what impact it had on better relations.
Taking a potshot at security forces, he said ” Who is allowing militants to cross over to this side, when Pak and India armies guard the borderline on two sides. Who is allowing them to cross. How they are crossing?”
In Rajouri, Dr Abdullah asked cadre to always remain prepared for elections. He highlighted the need for a decisive mandate in a State like Jammu and Kashmir, saying single party Government is the only way out to meet peculiar challenges confronted to the State and steering it to peace, progress and development.
“Coalition culture is not conducive for us; it has harmed this sensitive State more than doing any good”, Dr Abdullah said while addressing workers in the border town of Rajouri this afternoon. He referred to coalition compulsions and recalled how effectively the people-friendly decisions were being taken and implemented single-mindedly when National Conference enjoyed massive mandate from 1996 to 2002 and even before.
He came down heavily on the PDP-BJP coalition for failures on all fronts, saying the two parties were playing to their respective constituencies and working at cross purposes. “The duo is suffering from collective responsibility and if at all they are united on any front, it is how to divide the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh on regional, sub-regional, religious and caste lines”, he said while pledging that National Conference will not allow this to happen.
Dr Abdullah said while the PDP-BJP coalition was crumbling under its own weight due to inherent contradictions, administrative failures and growing public disenchantment, National Conference cadre should always remain in the poll gear. “The recent electoral setback should not be taken as a defeat, it must, in fact, firm our resolve to come back with renewed force at the strength of popular support the party has all along been enjoying”, he maintained, saying, “as long as we remain committed to our cherished ideal of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian and Buddhist unity, no power can weaken or dismantle us”.
Asking workers to close their ranks, he cautioned against the machinations being perpetrated by forces inimical to glorious ethos of National Conference which, he observed, has stood like a rock to thwart designs of those working against the interests of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh besides trampling the glorious traditions of the state’s communal harmony.
“All the forces have joined together to weaken National Conference and to break our resolve by engineering conspiracies”, he said adding that various political forces were attempting to pull down the “Hal Wala Janda”, only because this signifies the dignity, the honour and the self esteem of the people of the State, irrespective of their caste, creed or colour.
“Being a small soldier of National Conference, a great mass movement, Farooq Abdullah would rather die than to bow his head before anyone, howsoever mighty, other than God Almighty”, the National Conference President said amid huge applause, adding that the time of reckoning had come when the party workers had to reassert themselves, effectively and conclusively.
Once that happens, he said the conspirators would be forced lick dust on the face of firm resolve and might of people, who formed base of the party. He elaborated saying that glory of the party lied in the spirit of sacrifice among the workers who, he advised, must emulate the spirit of selfless service for overall good of people.
Giving a clarion call to party workers to wake up against the conspirators, Dr Abdullah said united, cohesive and determined National Conference was a befitting reply to their machinations.
Identifying himself with the people of Rajouri, Dr Abdullah recalled his visits along Sher-e-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah, who felt the pains of poor people living in the border and backward areas and worked towards their welfare and economic emancipation.
Dr Abdullah, accompanied by Provincial President Devender Singh Rana, conferred with the party functionaries and discussed the organisational matters. He was briefed about the initiatives taken to enhance and intensifying mass contact programme and to strengthen the grass roots level units to meet the aspirations of the people. Senior party leaders were present on the occasion.
Later, Dr Abdullah paid obeisance at Shahadara Sharief Shrine and prayed for peace and prosperity of the State.