Tenets of journalism

President Jefferson of America has said that if it was left to him to decide whether we should have a Government without newspapers or newspapers without a Government, he would not hesitate a moment to prefer the last. Your editorial of 28th June is pathbreaker for all newspapers in the State that cater only to a peculiar brand of political cause. Press has the broad latitude of fulfilling its obligations as the watch dog of liberties but it must also keep the people well informed about their obligation to the State. Corruption is no doubt the principal bye-product of political and bureaucratic inefficiency but we have reached a stage where people recognize no ultimate authority as they like to be the final judges of their individual interests. People operate on a live and let understanding but the freedom granted to the citizens does not mean license to engage in unfettered behaviour in drawing unpaid power and water that costs the State. Media being the prime mode of social communication should play a very constructive role in smashing the carefully crafted edifice of corruption whether it concerns the politician, bureaucrate or the public in general. The loses suffered by the State in power distribution is more than 70 percent but the PDD by crafty paperwork of billing the State Departments higher makes it sound less shameful. The tenets of Journalism like independent reporting, accuracy and impartiality needs to be revived in so as to project with truthfulness the people who absorb 70 percent of the revenue that belongs to the State.
Yours etc…..
H L Shishoo