Terror attacks carried out from across border: Shinde

NEW DELHI, Dec 4:  In a veiled attack on Pakistan, Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde today said elements based across the border are responsible for most of the terror attacks in the country.

Shinde said countries like India and the United States are on the forefront of the efforts to counter the relentless threat of terrorism and international crime and both countries are leading targets of such trans-national terror groups and crime syndicates.

“All too often, attacks are launched from across sovereign borders, in a manner calculated to cause the greatest disruption of peace,” he said inaugurating a conference here of police chiefs of India and the US.

The Home Minister said proper endeavour must be taken by all countries to fight this menace in all its forms and manifestations through partnerships based on genuine and result-oriented cooperation.

“This was one of the central objectives that inspired our countries to establish the India USA Homeland Security Dialogue. It is as an important element of our growing bilateral security architecture,” he said.

Shinde said apart from countering terror attacks, there are other kinds of mass casualty events, and security challenges that are specific to urban centres.

“All societies work to mitigate such challenges and enhance emergency response capacity. Even though India and the US are at different technological levels in terms of security infrastructure and average urban population size, there are certain commonalities to the challenges that all urban centres face,” he said. (PTI)