Terror infrastructure

Refer news item ‘Terror infrastructure intact in PoK’ DE Oct 29.
Right from the early days of militancy in Kashmir, India has been drawing the attention of the world community towards this fact, but it remained indifferent. It did not take much notice of it till it assumed horrendous proportions and has made world a dangerous places to live in. Even now many nations for their vested interests do not pressurise Pakistan to dismantle the terror infrastructure. Had world responded to pleas made by India from time to time, this situation won’t have arisen.
To make the world a safe place, it is high time the world asks Pakistan to dismantle this infrastructure and in case Pakistan does not respond positively, sanctions be imposed on it as a punishment.
Despite knowing fully well that it (Pakistan) is playing with fire, the rulers of this country have made the lives of people in both the nations-India and Pakistan a hell.
The Government of India too should deal with this naughty neighbour sternly, otherwise infiltration of jihadis will continue.
Yours etc……
Amit Jindial, Jammu