Terrorism, violence can’t redraw borders: Jaitley

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, Dec 3: Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that boundaries between India and Pakistan can’t be redrawn through terrorism, insurgence and violence as Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of the country.
Jaitely while addressing a civil society meet organised by Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) here at SKICC said that whatever means Pakistan used, it can’t get any part of India. “I will not go into history but one thing I will make clear is that all people living in the country will have to accept that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of this country. Particularly, our nieghbouring country will have to understand that whatever means they use, they will not get any part of this country. The times have changed when the borders of the country could be changed. Boundaries cannot be now rewritten. The borders will remain as they are”, he said.
Minister said that violence can’t be used to bring a change in the country where one sixth of world population lives. “I am clear in my thinking that a country where 1/6th population lives and which has military power and economic power too, terrorism, insurgency or violence cannot be used to bring in a change”, he added.
Jaitley said that nobody will support the gun around the world and India has over the years developed the capability to deal with the gun effectively. “There are two reasons. The people who took to guns for getting heard will have to understand that over the past few decades, India’s capability to deal with this gun has increased. At the global level too, nobody is willing to support or listen to those who want to get things done by the might of gun. The global appetite to accept those who indulge in violence is now over, it is not acceptable. In our country’s capability to fight the gun wielding and save the country from them, has also increased. Those who have taken to gun will not succeed in their endeavour”, he said.
The Minister said that violence brings destruction and affects lives of common man. “Think honestly who are the victims of terrorism, insurgency and violence? Common man is directly hit by the violence and gets hurt or killed. The large scale impact is felt by the common man because the atmosphere affects him. Curfew is imposed, bullets and bombs are used, who gets affected. If someone resorts to terrorism or the security forces act to neutralise him. Who gets affected? It is the innocents who get caught in this situation”, he added.
Jaitley said that government is ready to talk to all those who abjure violence and aim of the Union Government is to bring peace and development to the State. “It should be clear those who were misguided and want to return, who want to leave the path of separatism and strengthen the country, we welcome them. Anyone who wants to talk with us with this aim, we will talk with an open heart. We have no problems with that. Our aim is to have complete peace in Jammu and Kashmir and that people of the State are on the path of development”, he added.
The Minister said the high voter turnout in the first two phases of the elections in the State is a message to the people of the country and the world that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are fed up with violence and they want change. “The message I understand from this is that the people here is fed up with whatever has happened”, he added.
The BJP leader castigated the State Government for what he said its inadequate and highly delayed response to the September floods in Jammu and Kashmir. He, however, said that instead of delving on the past, he would rather look at future to provide better quality of life to the survivors of the September floods.
In response to a query the Minister said: “The flood was a huge natural tragedy. The suffering of the tragedy multiplied manifold because the response from those who were to deal with the situation was inadequate and highly delayed. Innocent people lost their lives, people have lost their properties, careers, investments, and houses.”
The Minister said: “Having said that, let me not look back, I will look ahead. Every tragedy teaches a lesson and the lesson is that the tragedy that uproots the people brings tears but a stage comes when we have to stop crying and for the future of the surivors, they are to be given a quality of life which is better than what they had before the tragedy.”
Jaitley, while citing example of rehabilitation in Gujarat earthquake said: “There was widespread devastation but in a record time, cities were again set up and buildings reconstructed. It was rewarded with United Nations award for rehabilitation.”
The BJP leader said that selling of land and other valuable for rebuilding lives by flood victims will not work as they have to be helped. “Just extending the routine help and after six or eight months, people will sell their lands or arrange money from other sources, I don’t think this will work,” he said.
The Minister said the request for financial assistance of Rs 44, 000 crore submitted by the State government for rehabilitation of flood victims is being looked into. “The State puts forth its claim. It is assessed and accordingly grant is given. We will take a sympathetic view of the losses due to floods,” he added.
The BJP leader said that his government will make Srinagar super Smart city. He said that there was no reason that “India’s most beautiful city” cannot be turned into Super Smart city. “We are a national party and we have a vision of rehabilitation for the country. If we can dream of creating 100 smart cities, why cannot we create a super smart city in India’s most beautiful city,” he said.
Jaitley said that despite world class tourism infrastructure in Kashmir any incident disturbing the peace does not allow the place to reap benefits of tourism. “There is world class tourism infrastructure here but even if one bullet is fired, we do not get the benefit. There should be an atmosphere of peace. The future generation of Kashmir is aspirational. We have spoiled many generations, let us spare the coming ones,” he said.
The BJP leader said that Jammu and Kashmir has huge resources base and made it clear that the States will have to stand on their own by generating resources for development and other schemes. “Gone are the days when the Centre would provide money and the states would run the government. Today every state has to stand on its own,” he said.
The Minister said the Jammu and Kashmir has huge potential in tourism, water resources and handicrafts which has not been fully tapped so far.”Jammu and Kashmir has huge potential. Kashmir valley has huge potential in tourism of all kinds, be it sightseeing, religious tourism, adventure or historic places. The state has so much water and so much electricity can be generated that it can be sent to other state,” he said.
Jaitley said tourism is a big priority for the central government as it focuses on increasing the tourist arrivals in the country. “Away from Kashmir, let us look at entire India. It has a long sea coast, largest peninsula, mountains are there, resorts, religious tourism is there, cultural tourism is there. Only six to seven million tourists come to India. City stake like Singapore, Honk Kong or Dubai city get 10 time more tourists. We are going to increase tourism across the country,” he added
BJP leader said that Jammu and Kashmir has not been able to benefit from these resources. “There are so many countries in the world where main source of economy is tourism,” he added.
The Minister said the economies of the States in the country depend on investments made by the investors, who, besides looking for profits, also create employment.
“How does the economy of a state work? Investments are required for it and investors want profit. Besides looking for profit, the investors create employment and pays taxes to the government. The state government gets money which it can use for development and make schemes for the poor people,” he added.
Jailtey while praising for Kashmiri artisans said: “I have travelled around the world and I have no hesitation to say that what Kashmiri artisans weave is best in the world.”
The minister hinting at Article 370 of Indian constitution said that sufferings of the common man have been delinked from the issue of powers falling with the Centre or the State. “Under the constitution of the country, what will be the subjects in the jurisdiction of the Centre and what will be under the jurisdiction of the State. Sixty seven years have passed but now the problems of the common man have been de-linked from that debate.
“The problems of common man have no relation to which powers are with the Centre and which powers lay with the state. When the floods hit Kashmir, did any one care about the powers? How does he get safety? Where will he be heard in case of injustice to him? He is concerned about economic development and how to improve his quality of living,” Jailtely asked.
The Minister said the e-Visa facility will be implemented in eight major airports of the country but will not be extended to the airports where security concerns are involved.”Wherever there is security reason, there we will not do it but it will be implemented in all eight major eight airports of the country,” he said.
The BJP leader said the e-Visa facility, which was started for nationals of 32 countries, will be extended to more countries in future. “We have started e-visa where people get visa on internet and the tourists will get information at the airport. They do not need to visit any Indian embassy. We are going to increase it to cover more countries,” he said.