Terrorists, mentors terrorized; will think 100 times before infiltration now: Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing a mammoth election rally at Dhoomi in Akhnoor on Thursday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing a mammoth election rally at Dhoomi in Akhnoor on Thursday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

‘Pak cheers speeches of Cong, NC, PDP’
Your vote will take J&K to new heights: PM

Sanjeev Pargal
DHOOMI (AKHNOOR), Mar 28: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today declared that terrorists and their mentors across the border, a reference towards Pakistan, are such terrified by the Government action that they will now think 100 times before trying to infiltrate into the country and took the Congress to task for aligning with National Conference and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for the lust of power without thinking about the national interests.
Addressing massive rally of around one lakh people in this small village of Akhnoor tehsil in Jammu district in favour of BJP candidate for Jammu-Poonch Lok Sabha seat, Jugal Kishore Sharma, sitting MP, Modi blamed the three parties-Congress, NC and PDP, which were target of his blistering attack in 40 minutes speech, saying they were spending “sleepless nights” and have no work except for cursing the Chowkidar.’
Besides Jugal Kishore Sharma, BJP candidate from Udhampur constituency and Union Minister of State in Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Dr Jitendra Singh, Avinash Rai Khanna, BJP State president, Ravinder Raina and other senior leaders were present at the rally venue.
Such was the massive enthusiasm among the crowd that they repeatedly interrupted the Prime Minister’s speech to chant pro-Modi and ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ slogans and repeatedly responded positively to the questions raised by him over working of the Government.
“You face the enemy (Pakistan) firing first. I salute your courage. When you will press the button of Lotus on April 11, your voice will terrorize the terrorists and spread terror among them and their mentors across the border will hear your voice. The sponsors of terrorists and terror factories are now living under the fear for the first time because of our Government’s decisive actions and approach. The terrorists will now think 100 times before infiltrating into our territory from across (Pakistan),” Modi thundered amidst the massive applause and chants of `Modi Modi’ from the crowd, which endorsed the bold stand of the Indian Government against Pakistan and teaching the enemy a lesson.
Taking strong exception to the Congress and its allies National Conference and PDP speaking in the tone “which was against the national interests” by raising issues of national security and terrorism, Modi said he wondered what has happened to the Congress and its allies and asserted that this was not the Congress to which Sardar Patel and Neta Ji Subash Chander Bose belonged.
“Sardar Patel worked for unity and integrity of the country day & night. Subash Chander Bose always had a dream of independent India. My soul says this is not that Congress, which is blinded by its “anti-Modi approach” to such an extent that it has even stopped thinking of the national interest and was raising the issues of national security and terrorism and question the Government statements following Balakote strike,” the Prime Minister said.
He wanted to know from the huge crowd as to whether they endorse approach of the Congress, the reply was a “loud no”.
Asserting that speeches of the Congress leaders and some of their allies received applause in Pakistan, Modi referred to the Indian air strike at Balakote in Pakistan on February 26 and said one after the other Congress leaders used the language, which was not in the country’s interests. He added that entire country was speaking in one voice (on the air strikes) while the Congress had adopted different tone.
“No countryman can accept the language by any political party on which Pakistan claps. Even the illiterate people won’t accept such language,” he remarked and, in his typical style, asked the crowd whether they endorse the language of Congress, National Conference and PDP. ‘No’ was the reply from the crowd.
Modi said the terrorists and their mentors are bleeding. “If you watch Pakistan TV channels and social media, they are praying for removal of ‘Chowkidar’ so that ‘Mahamilavat’ (a reference towards Mahagathbandhan of Opposition) sits in New Delhi. He again wanted to know the people’s response whether this was acceptable to them and the crowd again responded with loud no.
Modi said terrorists and their supporters in Pakistan are praying to get rid of him by losing these elections, but warned them against any misadventure against India.
“Terrorists and their supporters sitting across the border (in Pakistan) should know that any step against interests and security of India will prove them costly,” he said.
“Pakistan is praying the ‘Chowkidar’ somehow loses the elections so that this mixture of sorts (Opposition alliance) comes to power in New Delhi,” he said.
Taking a dig at the statement of Congress policy maker and Indian Overseas Congress chairman Sam Pitroda giving clean chit and terrorists and Pakistan in Balakote air strike, Modi took a jibe at Rahul Gandhi saying: “if such is the Guru (guide), what will be the condition of Chela (disciple), a reference towards Rahul, and his colleagues.
“Jammu and Kashmir and the country had been suffering for several years. Many lives were lost to the militants. Congress and their allies are the people, who didn’t trust capability of security forces and took no bold decisions. They are like dead people,” the Prime Minister said and assured the people of Jammu and Kashmir that this `Chowkidar” will stand firmly and won’t allow designs of these three parties to succeed.
The Prime Minister questioned the Congress’ silence on National Conference’s Baramulla candidate Akbar Lone’s reported remarks purportedly in favour of Pakistan saying the Congress hand (reference to Congress symbol) was now with such parties, who were eulogizing Pakistan. “I am surprised that they are aligning with such people who are against the interests of the nation,” Modi said. He also asked people of the state to remain vigilant against the policies of the National Conference and the PDP for their alleged pro-separatist agenda.
“When we imposed ban on groups involved in secession of the State from India, these political parties have been opposing it,” he regretted. Referring to the strike on a JeM camp in Balakote in Pakistan, Modi said the nation has shown its resolve to fight terrorism. Blaming Congress, National Conference and PDP for situation in Jammu and Kashmir, Modi said these three parties were responsible for militancy in Jammu and Kashmir and the plight of Kashmiri Pandits. For these three parties, he added, power, family and dynasty comes first while country and its prestige don’t matter. Such kind of thinking (of these parties) has boosted morale of the terrorists, he asserted.
Asserting that security agencies have been doing good job by cracking down on terror funding, the Prime Minister said various links have been searched and some outfits banned, which were encouraging terrorism.
“Our steps have been giving sleepless nights to Congress, NC and PDP, who were worried and daily curse the Chowkidar,” he said and one again asked the crowd whether his initiative was right or wrong? The people approved the decision. He assured citizens of Jammu and Kashmir that the ‘Chowkidar’ will stand firmly and won’t allow designs of these three parties to succeed.
He said ‘Mahagiravat (major downfall) of Mahagathbandhan is now certain.
Referring to Pakistan’s ‘unholy activities’ (firing on the civilian locations) in the border areas, Modi said it was nothing but frustration of the enemy in which they were targeting civilians and their cattle but declared that this won’t last long as Pakistan can’t withstand the Indian Army might for a long.
“On the one side, Army has been giving strong reply to Pakistan, on the other, the Government was taking all steps for security and safety of the border dwellers,” the Prime Minister said and referred to the construction of 20,000 bunkers for the border dwellers and five times increase in compensation for the firing victims.
He also referred to balanced development of the State saying the Governments headed by Congress, NC and PDP did discrimination with Jammu and delayed the developmental projects. He also referred to fulfillment of long pending demands of reservation to Paharis and the people living on the International Border by the present Central Government and package to PoK and West Pakistan refugees and initiating of number of projects like Akhnoor-Sunderbani-Rajouri-Poonch Highway, AIIMS, GMCs, IIM, IIT, Indri Pattan bridge, Chenani-Doda highway, Vikram Chowk-Gandhi Nagar Fly Over and implementation of Central schemes like PM-Kissan Samaan, Ayushman Bharat etc in J&K.
“All this was possible because of your vote in 2014. Your vote this time will take Jammu and Kashmir to new heights and strengthen our resolve of New India,” the Prime Minister said.


* Unprecedented enthusiasm among the people of Jammu region at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rally at Dhoomi, Akhnoor today, was a clear indication that Modi wave of 2014 in Jammu which gave the party three Lok Sabha seats and 25 Assembly seats for the first time in the history, hasn’t vanished but has rather intensified as people from all age groups could be seen trekking several kilometers to reach the rally venue.
* People had started reaching the rally venue at about 1 pm, nearly four and half hours before schedule address of Modi to take seats in front row to have glimpse of the Prime Minister.
* The chairs arranged by the BJP fell way short and thousands of people could be seen standing at the rally venue as the crowd exceeded the estimates of even the State BJP leadership.
* Large number of people had come on their own-either on their personal vehicles or by trekking to Dhoomi-though the BJP too had arranged vehicles for the party workers to reach the rally venue from different places.
* Throughout the Prime Minister’s address, enthusiastic crowd kept chanting `Modi Modi’ compelling him to halt the speech for few seconds three to four times.
* Some of the youths could be seen reaching the rally venue dancing.
* 13 prominent Sarpanchs of Sunderbani tehsil in Nowshera Assembly segment of Rajouri district, formerly represented by BJP president, Ravinder Raina, joined the BJP in the presence of Modi and were welcomed into the party fold.
* Prime Minister’s slogan `Mein Bhi Chowkidar’, or word ‘Chowkidar’, which he used four to five times in his speech, drew massive applause from the crowd, who reciprocated the gesture shouting “Mein Bhi Chowkidar’.
* People of Akhnoor tehsil said they have never seen such a huge rally in their tehsil so far and today’s rally was the biggest ever.
* Modi started and concluded his speech chanting ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ thrice, which was responded by the crowd with full force.
* At the end of speech, he also raised the slogan ‘Mein Bhi Chowkidar’, which was also reciprocated by the crowd.
* Modi was scheduled to address the rally around 5 pm. However, due to two rallies earlier in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, he began his speech at 5.35 pm and spoke for 40 minutes.
* The Prime Minister also referred to his historic speech at Lal Chowk in Srinagar in 1992 during `Ekta Yatra’ of then party president, Murli Manohar Joshi in which he had thrown challenge to the militants that the BJP will hoist the tricolor there.
* Number of people near the rally venue were seen listening to Modi’s speech from their roof tops.