Thank God for grief

Satbir Kapoor

The hardships, difficulties, trials and tributations of life are all blessings for they make us stronger and more self reliant. It is right, therefore that we thank God for these. Let us thank God for it teaches us pity and compassion. Let us thank God for pain and illness for we learn forbearance and patience. Let us thank God for friends who let us down and hurt us for we learn the divine quality of forgiveness therefrom. Let us thank God for suffering-it teaches us courage. Let us thank God for disappointments for they teach us to be ready for His appointment.
If you are going through a dark time today, keep moving through it! Remember it is always darkness just before the dawn appears. That difficulty did not come to stay, it came to pass. Your job is to stay in faith and keep praising and thanking Him for delivering you. Set your hope in Him, stir up your faith and keep believing because soon you will see the victory, God has prepared for you. There are those moment in life when somethings happen to us and we say “God why me?’’ The trials and tribulations that we have been through makes us stronger and wiser than ever.
When you go to a gym, the trainer gives you more and more weights to lift as much as you can take. Everyday, nature, too keeps adding weights. It looks heavy at the beginning but you manage to lift it. This is the process of learning and growing. It means you have learnt something, discovered something. Everyday, a new test awaits you. It is joyful to find you pass it and move on. How to pass the test ? Let the Divine work. You just watch. If you let the Divine manifest itself, you will be surprised how things automatically happen. There is only one secret-dedicate it to the Divine. Live for the Divine. Believe in Divine forces. The Divine will take care of them for you. Life is a testing ground for inner growth. The Divine is making you and the process of making you is not always easy. So there are trials and tribulations. If God removed difficult circumstances in our lives, we would probably never mature.
There are two kinds of growth in life:ageing and maturity. The former doesn’t require much effort. It happens automatically and happens even to animals. But the second kind of growth is unique to human beings. It is this kind of growth that leads to immortality. It is an internal transformation. Troubles are no less than blessings in most situations. They help us reflect, introspect and direct us towards course-correction in our life. They make us humble, tell us that we are fallible, remove the unwanted stubbornness, arrogance which might have cropped into our behaviour due to lack of difficulties of life.
Therefore we must always remain humble, polite, kind and nice to everyone around even when placed high or being successful. Never get unduly proud or arrogant. Always serve others in their difficulties as you would expect them to do when you yourself might be in that kind of situation.
Life always moves in circles. Happiness will always be followed by sedness and vice-versa. We must never think that good times will last forever. However converse is also true in equal measure. Difficulties and unhappiness will also never last long. Everything changes and so do bad times. Let us therefore maintain our calm in all situations and remain humble, keep doing our karmas to the best of our abilities, unmindful of good or bad times.
Difficulties bring us close to God. They make us look at life from a broader perspective and break from our moulds which we have created. Kunti, the mother of Pandavas is said to have asked Krishna to bless her with only difficulties in her future lives, so she may never forget God. Kabir Ji, the famous Bhakti Saint has also prayed God to shower pain and grief on him as troubles help to unite him with the Divine. Even Guru Nanak Sahib always preached and prayed “Daat Garibi Di’’(Blessing of poverty and humility).
Pray for equanimity of mind in all situations. Never get upset in hard times. Be cool and think positive. Formulate your strategy in calmness and work diligently and with all resources at your command. This will lead you to success invariably. Still never get disheartened if that takes longer sometimes. Thank God even for difficulties and troubles as the opportunities provided to us for our renewal.
(The author is an engineer)