The Gujjar leader

Nasir Ahmed Bajjar
History has witnessed several types of leaders. But when we think about outstanding personalities, the name of Late Choudhary Wazir Mohd Hakla of Vill Bandi Chechian District Poonch J&K, a very sincere, hardworking and devoted leader  who was not only the Gujjar leader but he also strived for the welfare of all communities come to our mind. He played very important role in politics at that time when the people were not very much aware of the politics. He was the person who educated the people of far flung areas about their rights of citizenship and also made them aware about their rights and duties for the nation. Choudhary Wazir Mohammad Hakla, Poonchi worked for the welfare of the Gujjar community throughout the country. Mr Hakla’s name does not require any introduction because the people of Poonch in particular and Gujjars of India in general are very well aware about his efforts and dedications for the cause of their community. He had hardly left any action which was held for the betterment of the community anywhere in the country. He was the first personality from District Poonch who participated in the first ever Gujjar Conference at Shimla in Himacal Pradesh when the Government conferred Scheduled Tribe status upon the Gujjars of Himachal Pradesh. While addressing the audiences from all over the country, he demanded that the Schedued Tribe Status should also be conferred upon the Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir. The movement started at that time proved fruitful in the year 1991.
Further on 29th October 1975, Mr Hakla alongwith a delegation presented a memorandum to the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and demanded for grant  of Scheduled Tribe status for the Gujjars of J&K  State. It is matter of great appreciation and proud for all of us that while hailing from a far flung area of Poonch, Mr Hakla never missed a single conference or function which was being held in connection with the welfare of the nation. Here it  proves that the talent and dedication of a person can never remain hidden and the personalities of high quality and creativity can grow up anywhere in any atmosphere.  As the bard says;
“Zulmatun Ke Saye Mein Palte Rahe Itfal-e-Noor
Pathrun Ke Shehar Mein Hoti Rahi Sheesha Gari’’
Ch. Wazir Mohd Hakla did not restrict his activities to the State only, but he visited different parts of the country and struggled for unity among Gujjars of all religions. What ever is being done to promote Gojri language in our State today, is to large extent the outcome of Ch Wazir Mohd Hakla’s dreams.
This nationalistic and patriotic leader did a lot for the people of Poonch, J&K and this is the only reason that even after a long passage of time i.e 40 years the people of Poonch still have the same regards and feelings for the devoted leader irrespective of caste, creed and religion. It is very true that a man can only  be remembered throughout the life for his good deeds, and services, he rendered to the common man of the society. It is very famous phrase and it has been proved here practically “God helps those who help themselves”. Here we shall not hesitate saying that Ch Wazir Mohd Hakla implemented this formula among our people and educated them to learn how to help themselves which was an important step towards the right direction of development of the society. Because when we ourselves shall come forward in the field of developments, help shall come from all the quarters but when our efforts are zero we cannot expect any help from any side.
In the year of 1992 the people of Poonch and Govt of Jammu and Kashmir paid their tributes to the devoted leader. Poonch to Bandi Chechian road has been named as Choudhary Wazir Mohammad Hakla road. Government High School Bandichechian has been named as Choudhary  Wazir Mohammad Hakla Memorial High School. Choudhary Wazir Mohammad  Hakla Multipurpose Hall and Library in Gujjar Hostel Poonch has also been inaugurated in 1992. This kind of gestures clearly show that the people of Poonch have a great affection and regards for their departed leader. Real tribute to Mr Hakla shall be that if we all should try to make his dreams true.
It is pertinent to mention here that during the present state of affairs, the Gujjars have to play a very important role in national integration. Therefore, the prominent leaders like Shamsheer Hakla Poonchi who is one of the sons of Wazir Mohammad should be supported to give maximum chance to serve the nation.
On the other hand it is also the duty of these leaders who are leading the nation, that they should work hard for the benefit of the common man. No doubt the dedications and devotions with which Mr Shamsheer Hakla is working for the betterment of the people of society shall bring good results and we are sure that the dreams which late Choudhary Wazir Mohammad Hakla has seen of this society, shall definitely come true. It is a bare fact that  the things which are taken in hand and done with honest and sincere efforts shall never face failure. There is no limit for rising as a personality.