The India Water Week

The India Water Week, a five day event brought global experts, stake holders and planners to India to discuss, plan, strategize how to use, recycle, conserve and provide water to ever increasing population and think about future needs and hardships world is going to face over water scarcity as its already a luxury in many countries and days ahead are really scary on this account. President Murmu rightly pointed out that due to the increasing population, deteriorating condition of our rivers and reservoirs, village ponds are drying up and many local rivers have become extinct, further water usage is being overexploited in agriculture and industries. The environmental balance on the earth is getting disturbed, weather patterns are changing and unseasonal excessive rainfall has become common feature. In such a situation, discussing and implementing various steps is the only way out to avoid future water crisis looming ahead. India has persistent water sharing issues with its neighbors which are strategic for national security as well. About 80% of the water resource in our country is used for agricultural purposes as such proper use and management of water in irrigation is very important for water conservation. National Mission for Clean Ganga is an ideal example of how to carry out river rejuvenation. Merely by providing clean water, deaths due to Japanese encephalitis have dropped by 95 per cent in the northern part of UP between 2017 and 2021.
Overcoming ground water pollution by pesticides and industrial waste is serious cause of concern. Inter water sharing of surplus water of rivers through canals is must to make successful Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana to increase the irrigated area in the country. Scientists have to innovate water conservation, towns must have water conservation plans in place now and public must also get disciplined for minimum consumption, maximum conservation and zero wastage.