The Spiritual master

Vinod Sharma

India has been a  Land of Saints down the ages. Lord Shiva, Rama, Krishna, Patanjali, Buddha,                               Mahavira, Gorkh, Nanak, Kabir, Ravi Dass and many others have been the eternal heritage of India. In this hierarchy the contemporary name is Osho., Born on 11th December 1931 Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain and also known as Acharya Rajneesh from the 1960  onwards, as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh during the 1970s and 1980s and as Osho from 1989, was an Indian Mystic, Guru, and spiritual teacher who garnered an international following.
Osho, the eldest of eleven children of a cloth merchant was born at His maternal grandparents’ house in village Kuchwada Teh.Gadarwara in Madhya Pradesh , India. After His birth he took nothing for 3 days continuously. His parents Swami Dev Teerath and Maa Amrit  Saraswati who later became His Sannyasins, let Him live with His maternal grandparents until He was seven years old. By Osho’s own account, this was a major influence on His development because His grandmother gave Him the utmost freedom, leaving Him carefree childhood  without an imposed education or restrictions and being in aloneness  and in direct contact with nature .When He was seven years old, His grandfather died, and He went to Gadarwara to live with His parents. Osho was profoundly affected by His grandfather’s death, which He witnessed closely, leading to a preoccupation with death that lasted throughout much of his childhood and youth .Osho’s father Swami Dev Teerath Bharti went to one famous Astrologer for making Janam Kundli of Osho but when he asked the date and time, he refused to make it because according to him this child wouldn’t survive after 7 yrs of age and if survived would be a revolutionary enlightened being. At the age of 9 He was admitted in school. In His school years He was a rebellious and extraordinary student, and acquired a reputation as a formidable debater. Even at the age of 9 Osho owned many books and had gone through public library books extensively even during middle classes studies.
With the earlier experiences of death of grandfather, Osho ‘s quest became more intensified between the age of 14 and 21. In these years he remained totally isolated from outer world. His family and  near ones were worried about His state. On 21 march 1953 when Osho was only 21 year Old and was studying Philosophy at Jabalpur , He experienced a tremendous explosion in His consciousness at midnight from 1 to 4 AM which brought His search to a fulfillment called Spiritual Enlightenment.  After that Osho felt Himself intensely empowered with  divinity and mission to impart such awakened state to humanity ensued.
In order to understand his philosophy of life, it is imperative to go through the excerpts of book-Yoga: The Alpha and the Omegs. Vol 3.
What happened to Rajneesh on March 21st? Did he atain Samadhi with or without seed?
This is not only your question, this is mine also! Ever since, I have also been wondering what happened to this guy Rajneesh. On that night, one moment he was there, and next moment he was not there.
And since then I have been looking for him within and without: not even a trace has been left behind, no footprints. If ever I get him, I will remember your question. Or, if it happens that you come across him somewhere, you can ask the question from my side also.
It is just like a dream. In the morning you are awake, you look around, you search for the dream in the sheets of the bed, under the bed, and it is not there. You cannot believe — just a moment before it was there, so colorful, so real, and suddenly it is not found at all, and there is no way to find it. It only appeared; it was not a reality, it was just a dream. One is awake and the dream has disappeared. Nothing happens to the dream.
To Rajneesh also, nothing happened; it was never there in the first place. I was asleep, that’s why he was there. I awoke and I couldn’t find him, and it happened so unexpectedly there was no time to ask the question. Simply the guy disappeared, and there seems to be no possibility to find him again, because there is only one possibility: if I fall asleep again, only then I can find him — and that is impossible.
Once you are totally conscious, the very root of being unconscious is cut. The seed is burned. Again you cannot fall into the unconscious.
Every day you can fall into the unconscious in the night, because the unconscious is there. But then your whole being becomes conscious; there is no place inside you, no dark corner, where you can go and sleep-and without sleep, no dream.
Rajneesh was a dream that happened to me. Nothing can happen to Rajneesh. What can happen to a dream? Either it is there if you are asleep, or it is not there when you are awake. Nothing can happen to a dream. Dream can happen to reality; reality cannot happen to a dream. Rajneesh happened to me as a dream.
So this is my question also. If you have ears, listen, and if you have eyes you can see. One day suddenly the old man is no longer found inside the house — just emptiness, nobody there. You move, you search: nobody is there, only a vast expanse of consciousness with no center, with no boundary. And when the personality disappears — and all names belong to personality — then for the first time the universal has arisen in you. The world of nam-roop, the name and the forms, disappears, and the formless is there suddenly.
This is going to happen to you also. Before it happens, if you have any questions to ask, ask your personality. Because once it happens, then you cannot ask. There is nobody to ask. Someday, suddenly you will disappear. Before it happens you can ask, but that too is difficult because before it happens, you are so fast asleep — who will ask? Before it happens there is nobody to ask, and when it has happened there is nobody to be asked.