The supreme power Mother Nature

Anil Singh Jasrotia
For many answers of our questions in life Poet-Saint Kabir Das has shown us the way with many of his couplets which gives us immense meaning and a great motivation. I would like to highlight here one such couplet which goes like this :
“Karta Tha To KyuKiya, Ab Kare Kyu Pachtaye, Bhoya Ped Babool Ka, to Aam Kahan se Paye”
It means, you did what you did before, so why now regret the deed. Why expect sweet and luscious fruit after sowing a bitter seed. Our outcomes depend upon our actions; hence, we should think beforehand and should act accordingly so that we get the desired results. In today’s scenario, we are facing very tough challenge of Pandemic, which is an outcome, or result of what we the humans have done and are still doing. The Mother Nature is same for all, be at animals birds, trees, plants etc. But we the humans have tried our best to endanger all the other species, Hence our mother nature has an outcome to protect itself, We everyday worship our Lords holding Trident, Swords, wheels in hands. Are they holding the same to kill someone unnecessarily? No but to protect our self or to all others from one dominant and cruel. Nature has given us alarms many times but we have every time ignored and have done whatever we want ignoring the fatal consequences. We will come out from this pandemic with everything normal back on track, but we should not ignore the fact that many of us have already lost their loved ones and still we are under tremendous pressure of sustainability.
Our every act as a human brings pains to our mother nature. We make our houses, make furniture, and use paper for the same we cut trees (home for lacs of birds). Are we planting equivalent or more trees to balance the nature, we all know the answer. We want healthy living, good food, good clothes, which is all, processed in factories and industries whose waste goes and pollutes our rivers and environment. We use electronics:Mobiles, Laptops, heaters, Ac, gadgets for the production of the same our factories are running 24X7 but all these things are at the cost of global warming. In our ecosystem, there is dependency of one species over another but we the humans have dependency on our Flora, fauna, Seafood and many more, but we really need to think who we are and are we dependent on all this. We are flying within no time across regions, use refrigeration and use Air-conditions but the same is at the cost of destroying our ozone layer and creating skin related diseases for all. We want cleanliness at our homes inside and at the same time, we throw all the waste, plastic, gadgets, garbage etc. outside creating hazardous environment for rest. Even while having basic hygiene of cleaning our self and washing our clothes with detergents and soaps, finally brings tons of detergent into the sea harming the sea life. Mother always protects her children and so will Mother Nature do to protect all, but we should not forget that it is the mother of all universe and with our existence we have to take care of all. Or else in past we all find the existence of Dinosaurs in many ways at our planet.
Today the whole world has been facing the pandemic however; the positive cases in our country have risen with cases in lacsbeing reported every day. It is tough time for all of us but soon we will come out of it with normalcy. It is good to see that many of our well-wisher countries are stepping ahead for our help. Nevertheless, at the same time we should not ignore the reminder given to us by our mother nature in the form of second wave of Covid. Hence, we should all pledge to step ahead in paying back our mother nature in multiples for whatever we take from it so that our eco system remains balanced and no such virus remains or is produced in future ahead. Hence, at the end I would like to again repeat another couplet of Poet-Saint Kabir Das, which means Do the work that needs to be done now, there is no other time then now.
“Kaal Kare So Aaj Kar, Aaj Kare So Ub, Pal Me Pralaya Hoyegi, Bahuri Karoge Kab”
(The writer works in a MNC, feedback can be shared at: