Those causing harm to security of society, country be dealt with strongly: RSS chief

RSS chief Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat being given rousing reception by the villagers of Jakhbar in Kathua on Sunday. -Excelsior/Pardeep
RSS chief Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat being given rousing reception by the villagers of Jakhbar in Kathua on Sunday. -Excelsior/Pardeep

Visits Jakhbar village, unveils Bharat Mata statue

Avtar Bhat

KATHUA, Oct 15: Asserting that security of nation is of paramount importance, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Dr Mohan Rao Bhagwat today made it clear that those who try to cause harm to society and the country must be dealt with strongly.
Addressing the Swayamsevaks from Kathua, Samba, Billawar, Bani and Basohli in full dress at Sports Stadium here this afternoon, the RSS chief stressed on unity of all and work for protection of the country saying that the security of the nation is supreme and there will be no compromise on the same.
“Those, who are out to harm or try to break society and the nation, whichever method is needed to deal with them will have to be applied’’, the RSS chief said.
He said like money is donated to help the poor, power should be used to safeguard the weak. In the world weak needs to be protected from the cruel and for this one must be prepared, he added. Click here to watch video
Dr Bhagwat said work of RSS has expanded much. Its strength has also seen a huge increase so its responsibility towards the nation has also increased. “Our nation can only progress if we have a good society.RSS is playing a huge role in this as we are producing trained Swayamsevaks who can play a great role in nation building’’.
Asserting that entire world is looking towards India for solution of problems facing the mankind at present, Dr Bhagwat said the solutions of all problems lies in Sanatan Dharma-the traditional Hindu way of life.
He reiterated that the India has solution to all problems which the world is confronted today.
He said there should be peace all around, people should be happy and there should be no conflicts is the ultimate objective of Bharat and this is the basic principle of Sanatan Dharma. He said world has practised all thoughts like socialism, communism, Capitalism etc but neither the conflicts in the world nor the miseries and sufferings of the people ended.
Dr Bhagwat said the conflicts still continue. Earlier it was Ukraine –Russia war and now it is Israel -Hamas war. Even the families break day by day. This shows that means adopted for seeking comforts have created problems instead of doing good to mankind, he added.
The RSS chief said now it is the age of artificial intelligence and world is in a quandary as no way out is found to overcome the problems being faced by mankind. He asserted that only Bharat can lead the world in finding an everlasting solution to all these problems.
Dr Bhagwat said Bharat was a golden sparrow for a long time. This shows that this nation had some ancient capital or talent through which it can guide the world. “This was indicated during the recent G-20 meet which was hosted and headed by India. India has its own approach of dealing with situations and this approach and our way of life has been gifted to us by our ancestors,. The unity in diversity is the solution of our problems’’, he added.
The RSS chief said it has been in our traits and a part of our ancient culture to think for the betterment of otherswhich gives us ample pleasure and joy. “We have inherited these traits from great Rishis since times immemorial,’’he added.
Dr Bhagwat, while maintaining that Sanatan is the culture of Bharat, said it has guided this nation since ages together. He said the human beings are like trustees and the real master is God. “Hence we should be ready to work for welfare and wellbeing of others and help those who are in distress and need,’’ he added.
He said today it is the need of hour that we propagate the values of Sanatan Dharma and its development and progress will in turn lead Bharat to progress and development. He made it clear that the Dharma is the only way to unite people, it creates a balance in society and Bharatiya society is based on Dharma but the world bows before strong so we have to be strong enough not to brow beat others but to protect week.
Maintaining that all Bharatis are brothers, he said “It is our duty to work together to make this country great and strong’’. The RSS chief said that Sangh unites Samaj and Shakha is a medium to it. “Shakha creates discipline and discipline builds a strong character in a human being. We have to maintain a good character at individual as well as country level”.
Dr Bhagwat said “We as a nation have to become so strong and charactered that no one across the globe can point fingers on us”. Stressing on holding of Shakhas daily, he said this can be guarantee for building a strong character.
Asserting that Sangh has full faith in the Swayamsevaks, he said a strong character and strength can lead us in laying the foundation of a strong society and nation.
He said Sangh educates society to forget all issues and work jointly for the progress of the nation as a whole.
The RSS chief said such programmes are being organised regularly .“We believe in hard work but for that patience and practice is important’’. The opportunities need to be explored,a goal is to be set up and then it should be achieved with hard work, he added.
Dr Bhagwat said “We belong to a great culture and civilization hence we should not lose heart and continue working hard till the goal is achieved’’.
Maintaining discipline is more important in life, he said, adding the people must also know why Sangh has taken up this particular task.
Dr Bhagwat said RSS is now in central stage of discussion and everyone is watching its activities with close eyes and we need to work in such a way so that it is appreciated by one and all. The area and work of Sangh has now expanded all over during last many years and people too have started appreciating it.
“We have expanded our activities manifold. Some are raising questions about our work without actually knowing our work and dedication of a Swayamsevak. They must come and see what Sangh is doing for the betterment of society and nation, he added.
He made it clear that Sangh has nothing to do with politics as it has a vast area of work for building a strong nation. No speculations must be made about my visit to J&K, he added.
He said the inner peace can be found through spiritualty and Bharat has shown a way to it while stressing on adopting honest, truthful approach and devoting life for others. There is nothing more supreme than humanity, he added.
He said people living outside Bharat have great respect for us as “we believe in honest work”. Everyone must get involved in RSS Shakhas.Swayamsevaks do selflessservice which they are being trained through Shakhas, Dr Bhagwat added.
On the occasion, Regional Sangchalak, Sita Ram, Prant Sanghchalak, Dr Gautam Mengi, Kathua Sangchalak, Vidya Rattan, Ashwani Sharma Prabhari and Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh were present.
Later Dr Bhagwat visited Jakbhar village in Kathua where he unveiled the statue of Bharat Mata. The villagers including men and women gave a rousing reception and standing ovation to him.
Dr Bhagwat while interacting with villagers highlighted the role of rural areas in boosting economy of the country. He said the village is the basic unit which plays a great role in the prosperity of the nation and stressed on protection of flora and fauna of the area.
He said this village should become a role model for other villages in the area and they should also follow the same way of life for the progress and prosperity of their villages.
Dr Bhagwat said the statue of Bharat Mata unveiled can be a source of uniting people and imbibing the spirit of oneness among them. He stressed on development of the villages and improving the economic status of people living there.
He also visited Radha Krishan Mandir in Kathua and paid floral tribute at the statue of former Jana Sangh president, Dr Shyama Prasad Mookherjee.