Those close to BJP should use it for improving power situation: Abdullah

Former CM Omar Abdullah addressing a gathering on Sunday.
Former CM Omar Abdullah addressing a gathering on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Nov 26: Former Chief Minister and Vice President of National Conference (NC), Omar Abdullah, today said that those who are “friends” with the BJP must use it to improve the power scenario.

“We are at least seeking the return of the power projects to J&K. Why are these people silent about it? Why can’t they even raise the daily issues of the people with the Government? They can leave the fight for Article 370; we will fight that alone. Don’t they feel the pain by seeing people suffering?” Abdullah told a party convention in Langate today.
On the question of the BJP boasting about development in J&K, Abdullah said that if there has been real development, “why can’t they hold elections? Because if that is the case, then the people will definitely vote for them. But instead, they have run away from panchayat elections and Assembly elections.”
The Former CM said that the hearts of the people can only be won by understanding and resolving their issues. They cannot be won just by hoisting flags. “You can do that by resolving and understanding the issues of people due to which they are suffering,” he said.
Abdullah stated that hearts cannot be won by putting people in jail for years without fault. “Uttering anything against the Government does not mean it is against the country. There are people languishing in jails for no fault of theirs; you cannot win hearts like that,” he added.
He mentioned that much was said about Article 370, claiming it hindered the development of J&K and created hurdles in employment opportunities for youngsters. Omar underlined that, in contrast, things have become even more difficult.
“People were told that all the problems are due to 370; youngsters were told that 370 was hampering their employment, and if there was separatism, it is due to 370; people were told that things would become better after the abrogation of Article 370. Four years have passed, but these issues remain unresolved,” he said.
Abdullah stated that due to the distance between the people and the NC, the party became weaker, exploited by opponents. “When the distance between you and us increases, the party gets weak, and with that, the people of J&K suffer. If we do not have our flag, our honor, if no one is listening to us, if we are facing issues, it is due to the fact that this party got weakened, and the same was used by our opponents,” he said.
“We have given sacrifices for the honor of the tricolor; we do not have to take lessons on that. Where were these people in 1996 when Dr. Farooq worked to safeguard democracy in J&K? At that time, he held the tricolor high.”
On the power crisis, the former CM remarked that people were told they would get round-the-clock electricity, but the situation is the opposite.
“They installed meters of various kinds, but when it came to providing electricity, it was nowhere. Even the masjids do not get the required firewood.”
He added that while it is easy to make people suffer, most electricity is used in Government offices and security camps. “They should be asked to clear the outstanding amounts before going ahead to make the commoners suffer.”
Abdullah emphasized that there is no development on the ground stressing that no one listens to the people’s woes in Government departments.
“People have only faced hardships, but what the Government has ensured is that they have opened liquor shops everywhere to increase taxes.”