Thousands of devotees throng temples of Mata Durga on first Navratra

Devotees paying obeisance at Chichi Mata Temple Samba on first day of Navratra.
Devotees paying obeisance at Chichi Mata Temple Samba on first day of Navratra.

Navreh celebrated with enthusiasm

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 6: The nine -day Navratra festival celebrations began with religious fervor and gaiety across Jammu region today. While Navreh the first day of new year as per lunar calender was also celebrated by Kashmiri Pandits with full charm and enthusiasm.
All the temples representing the nine manifestations of Goddess Durga were decorated with flowers and buntings across the Jammu region where the rush of devotees started from early in the morning and continued upto late in the evening.
The highest rush of devotees was seen at Maha Kali temple of Bawe Wali Mata near here, today where up to 8 pm over 23000 devotees drawn from different parts of Jammu had visited to pay their obeisance in the temple. The rush of devotees was seen especially in the morning hours and they had to wait in long queues for darshan. However the rush decreased in the day and was normal in the evening also.

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As per reports coming from other parts of the Jammu region thousands of pilgrims drawn from different parts of Jammu and neighboring States of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh visited the holy temples of Chechi Mata in Samba, Sukhrala Mata in Billawar, Jasrota Mata in Kathua, Sundrikot Mata also in Billawar, Balsundri Mata in Nagri Parole , Kathua and Chanchala Mata temples in Basholi and paid obeisance to deities there. Reports said over 20,000 pilgrims visited these temples. The devotees also visited the temples of Goddess Durga in various parts of Udhampur, Ramban, Kishtwar, Doda, Reasi, Rajouri Jammu districts and paid their obeisance.
Meanwhile social functions and get together were held by members of Kashmiri Pandit community on the Navreh festival today. The main function was organized by Kashmiri Pandit Sabha Ambphalla Jammu. The Sabha, organized 106th Navreh Samaroh this year with usual gaiety and fervor. Prof. Manoj K. Dhar, Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu, was the chief guest while Kuldeep Khoda, former Director General of Police & CVC, was guest of honour.
S. L. Bagati, general secretary of Sabha read the annual report highlighting the achievements of Sabha which involved assistance to the poor students, widows, weaker sections of the community, medical assistance to the needy persons including construction programme of Care Home, etc.
Later K. P. Sabha president, K.K. Khosa gave a brief about 106 years existence of Sabha and the role it played in Jammu & Kashmir for furthering its ethos and culture. He also emphasized the role of Sabha since 1990 {exodus year} and the contribution towards the displaced community particularly in the field of education. Bimla Raina, noted spiritual scholar spoke about the significance of the Navreh and about the need to carry forward the religious and cultural legacy by present generation to the next generation.
Kashmiri Sahayak Samiti, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu also celebrated Navreh at K.P. Bhawan village Enclave Trikuta Nagar where large number of devotees attended and prayed for the world peace.
An annual function was held in Bhagawan Gopinath Ashram, Udaiwala , Bohri to mark the celebrations of first Navratra and Navreh. The function started with Guru Vandana and as usual Guru Geeta recitation competition was held on the occasion. This competition is held to promote Bhagawaan consciousness, a handout issued by Bhagawaan Gopinath Trust said. The competition was categorized in senior , sub junior and junior group. M K Santoshi, Krishen Ji Pandita and Santosh Shah Nadan acted as judges on the occasion. The participants who bagged first second and third positions in all three groups were given prizes. The function was presided over by Prof. P N Trisal. A nine day long spiritual activity also started in the Ashram from today.
Navreh was also celebrated at Durga Nag Trust, Barnai here. The function was organized by the residents of Anuradhapuram through P K Raj Sharma. A cultural programme was also held in which young artists enthralled the people. Anirud Raj, Shruti Raina, Puja Raina, Suhas Koul were star performers in the programem and they were given prizes by chief guest Prof A N Sadhu and Opinder Ambardar a well known writer and scholar who presided over the function. The programme was compared by P K Raj Sharma while M L Bhat presented vote of thanks in which he recalled the role of Trust led by Vijay Bakaya.
Another function was held by Kashmiri Displaced United Front (KDUF) led by D N Kissu at Durga Nagar in which the chief advisor of the organization Prof G L Koul and president, P L Sudeshi besides Phoola Koul participated and threw light on the historical and religious background of Navreh and Navratra festival.