Thousands of West Pakistan refugees protest against Govt, demand one time settlement

West Pakistan refugees during protest rally at Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
West Pakistan refugees during protest rally at Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 19: Demanding one time settlement amount of Rs 25 lakh to each family, West Pakistan refugees today held a massive protest demonstration.
Thousands of West Pakistan refugees under the banner of West Pakistan Refugees Action Committee 1947 assembled at Maharaja Hari Singh Park and raised slogans against the Government for not redressing their demands.
The protestors in the shape of rally marched towards Civil Secretariat, but heavy deployment of police personnel restricted them near Dogra Hall. Vehicular movement came to standstill for couple of hours due to the protest march.
Addressing the gathering, Labha Ram Gandhi, president of West Pakistan Refugees Action Committee 1947 J&K flayed the Government for not paying any heed towards the plights of West Pakistan refugees.
He said that these people migrated from West Pakistan during partition holocaust of 1947 and settled in the border districts of the Jammu region, since then they are not considered as the State Subject of the J&K, thus depriving them of all fundamental constitution, legal and statutory rights in the State.
In regard to providing employment opportunities in various Government Departments, Gandhi said that this can be done by the Government by amending the J&K Civil Services classification of Control and Appeal Rules.
For admission to higher technical institutions, the Government should make provisions by issuing appropriate executive directions even without introducing any legislation.
He said that it is ironical that even after lapse of more than 25 years, no steps have been taken by the successive Governments in the State.
Gandhi appealed all the political parties of the J&K to remove all the legal disabilities which have caused great difficulties to the West Pakistan refugees in the State and immediately deliver one time settlement amount of Rs 25 lakhs as compensation to each family of West Pakistan Refugees as announced by the Government earlier.
He served two days ultimatum to Government for redressal to their demands, failing which they will start agitation in the State and for any untoward incident, the Government will be responsible.
Dr RP Singh, a social activist from New Delhi and Dineshwar Singh Jamwal, president, Duggar Vikas Manch also addressed the rally.
Among others present were Advocate Sushil Kumar Gupta, Chhaju Ram Manhas, State general secretary, Joginder Pal, Lal Singh, Mohan Lal, Raspal Chand and Surinder, all tehsil presidents of West Pakistan Refugees Action Committee.


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