Area-wise, Ladakh is the largest district in the Indian Union. On account of geographical, topographical and climatic conditions, it is thinly rather sparsely populated region. Strategically, Ladakh is very sensitive. It has a long border with Chinese Eastern province of Xinjiang and Tibet and also with Pakistan which has illegally occupied a chunk of territory of original State of Jammu and Kashmir. Despite these characteristics, Ladakh did not receive the attention of the State and the Central Government in a manner as it deserved.
A Parliamentary delegation recently visited Ladakh to report on its ecology and environmental status. The parliamentary team has submitted its report. It is a sad commentary on environmental and ecological condition of Ladakh. The effects of global warming on this region of pristine purity of nature have not been studied and remedied. Ladakh is a much liked tourist destination. Many foreign tourists cherish a visit to the land of the Lamas. As such, it is of singular importance that Ladakh remains clean, tidy and inhales fresh and exuberant air. In the light of the report of the parliamentary team, much needs to be done in environmental and ecological area of Ladakh to restore it to its pristine purity. Waste disposal system has to be modernized. Polythene bags have to be banned and garbage collection has to be streamlined in accordance with modern system of garbage collection and disposal. Disposal of bio-medical waste has to be improved considerably and air pollution caused by emissions from vehicles or burning of coal and wood and such other combustible substances has to be reduced and controlled. We welcome the suggestion of the parliamentary team of constituting a committee that will deliberate on how to reconcile the growth of tourism in the district with imperatives of preserving the ecology. Big responsibility devolves on municipal agencies which must ensure that solid waste is disposed off in an environmentally friendly manner. Ladakh has the potential to become a model tourist destination. Pre-requisites of such an enterprise are needed.