Thus spake Satya Sai Baba

Vijay Vohra

Bhagwaan Shri Satya Sai Baba took mahasamadhi on 24th April 2011. Now four years have passed but not a single moment has passed, when we have not remembered our beloved Swami. HE is fulfilling His promise by guarding us, guiding us and showing His presence everywhere. Well all Sai devotees should always remember His teaching and sincerely practice them.
I wanted to share with all my brothers and sisters what Sri Satya Sai baba used to teach us. So I have written this article after selecting a few teaching of Swami on different subject from His many discourse to represent the essence of Sai Baba’s teachings.
“What a great fortune to be born in Bharat” says Baba. India is the repository of spiritual power. Bharat has been announcing this truth to the world since ages that, this is the land where holy personages, divine personalities, saints and sages, avatars carrying the authentic stamps of God have demonstrated that nothing else can give man the peace and joy that contemplation of the universal Atma can give”.
“Atma is that which is known as spirit, infinite consciousness, or the universal soul. Every man has within him that which is Divine, as a spark of God, unchanging, indestructible, eternal the Atma. Atma is our true reality, that part of ourselves, which has accompanied us through life after life, surviving many deaths and re-births”.
There is only one God. He is one primal cause. God is the indweller in every being. God is with form, and formless. All names and forms are His. The lord’s activities are creation, preservation and Dissolution. The world is His play. He is Architect, and Designer. His is the Director of the puppet show, the Manipulator of strings. Just as underground water is the sustenance of all trees, the Atma is underlying source of bliss that soul experiences.
The Lord is the unseen foundation on which your life is built. His is the source, sustenance and strength. Without His will no leaf can turn, no blade of grass can quiver. Once you know that the Lord, the omnipotent power is the main spring of your life, there will be no fear any more. He is everywhere, in everyone at all times. He is the energy that filled space and time. God is the nearest and dearest entity but ignorance hides Him from the eye.
Spiritual Journey
Spiritual progress and bliss depend on disciplined effort. Rigorous discipline and steady faith are absolutely necessary for success in the spiritual struggle. Mere listening to religious discourses or reading many books will not be of any use. Again He advises us not to use the study of scriptures for increasing our egoism, let it make us more humble. Let study alone is worthless without efforts to practise what has been taught.
Swami has said that body has been given to us as the result of Karma, good or bad in which we have engaged in past lives. Swami says “The body is a house given to you for rent. The owner is God. Live there as long as He wills, thanking Him and paying Him the rent of faith and devotion. Human Birth is a rare gift given with a purpose i.e. to go back to the source of origin. Karma has to be done because it is part of your nature. Virtuous actions have to be done, there is no escape. It is wrong to desist from the appropriate action placing reliance on destiny. If you do even destiny will slip out of your hands”.
At present individual reconstruction is much more important than the construction of temples. In this world no austerity is higher than fortitude, no happiness is greater than contentment, no good deed is holier than mercy, and no weapon is more effective than patience.
All the major religions have at their hearts the practice of love and non-violence. All exhort their adherents to give up evil tendencies such as malice, greed, hate and anger. All extol truth, righteousness, peace, compassion and need for the individual to serve fellow man. Really speaking there is no other system or faith. All religions all faiths are but phases or facets of the same universal faith and discipline.
Education: Sri Satya Sai Baba says that main purpose of education is not to promote learning or earn money but to build character. Character is a combination of goodness, determination and tolerance towards others. Nothing can be more powerful on earth than character. He stresses that education based on Dharma is essential for a happy peaceful and contented life. Education should serve to enlarge the vision and broaden the outlook of the students. Unless knowledge is transformed into wisdom and wisdom is expressed in character, education is wasteful process.
Women: Swami says that women preserve the culture with greater tenacity and faith. They keep men on the moral path and inspire them to follow spiritual discipline. Their hearts are tender and full of compassion for the hungry and distressed. So the women should always be adored and revered. They should be held in high respect. The woman is the pillar of the home, of society and of the nation. The mother is man’s companion on the spiritual path. She is the child’s first Guru.
Namaskar: Sai baba says that the gesture of Namaskar in which the two palms of the hands are brought together and held near the heart, at the same time as the word “Namaste” is said is a form of greeting between two people. It conveys the meaning, “the Divine in me recognizes the Divine in you and implies that both are with each other and with God”.
Swami said that,” When you realize that the Lord is at the address that he has given towards the end of the Gita in the 61st verse of the 18th chapter, namely He is in the heart of every being, then you know the ‘ONE’ with no other. Well, the basis for His teachings is same as past great masters. The difference being is that Swami makes us understand how we are to implement, His teachings and gives us simple but definite clues as to the method of using His Divine Guidance in our daily life. And this makes Him not only a unique spiritual teacher but also He gradually becomes every part of the devotee’s living.