Tiger Division undertakes drive about organ donation

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 23: The Tiger Division has undertaken a special drive to spread awareness about the noble cause of Organ Donation, within the formation.
Apart from spreading awareness about the issue, the drive also aimed to help clear various mis-conceptions about organ donation from the minds of the environment, and to help in the removal of cultural barriers and taboos associated with it.
As part of the drive, a series of Informative lectures and interactive sessions were organized in the Division and its lower formation, to educate the Army personnel and their families on the various aspects of organ donation, which is one of the noblest causes known to humanity.
Leading from the front and setting a personal example for others to emulate, Maj Gen Ashwani Kumar, the General Officer Commanding Tiger Division, personally pledged his organs for donation, thereby spreading enthusiasm amongst the troops and families of Tiger Division and motivating and encouraging them tremendously to do the same.
A large number of Army personnel and families also resolved to similarly pledge organ donation, and also to help spread further awareness about this noble cause in their respective circle of family members, friends and community, in the respective regions where they hail from.
The Armed Forces which are at the fore-front of undertaking noble ventures and causes in the service of the nation, have taken notable steps in the domain of organ donation, and taken the initiative to launch the `Armed Forces Organ Retrieval and Transplant Authority’ (AORTA) at one of the pioneer medical establishments of the Army, namely the Army Hospital (Research & Referral) situated at New Delhi.