Time Concept

H N Kakroo

My eyes opened to make me realize that I was lying on a bed. Momentarily I had a feeling of being out of step with awareness-a constant companion:time consciousness. It took me a little time to conclude that it was afternoon, when I was relaxed with a nap after lunch. Thus I started catching up with time again and to regain the equilibrium of my body and mind i.e. synchronization. (Similar mental effort towards God consciousness is Yog Sadhna). I got up to take my afternoon medicine and resumed other routine chores.
We perceive objects by senses i.e. touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing. Directly time is beyond their grasp. Unlike one’s shadow, which need the help of light and surface, time is an independent factor or dimension like length, breadth, height and space. Indirectly relative positions of Sun, Moon, Stars, Sun & glass; whatches help us in its perception and measurement. Even the quality of breeze, voice of birds can roughly suggest the time. It is a factor of speed and velocity.
The phenomenon of being out of step with time becomes perceptible in ‘Jet Lag’ which is time lag in reality, while traveling in high speed planes on long journeys and space crafts. Watches can be adjusted but not the passing time. It takes few days by the body and mind to resynchronize: its symptoms being altered sleep timings, irregular appetitte and fatigue. Time lag becomes perceptible in some mental disorders like dementia, old age and is induced by intoxicants, anaesthesia and some other drugs.
The age of a person, animal or object is the length or period of its existence. Scientist have developed techniques of determining it. Age of a person can be verified from his records, horoscope or medically; age of rocks and fossils by geologists and palesntologists; age of trees by Botanists; age of planets, stars and other celestial bodies by astronomers.
It is well known that rotation of our broadly spherical planet, earth on its axis tilted at about 67.5º towards the stationary sun, the main source of its light, makes day and night alternately day for the parts facing the sun and nights for those lying away from it. Some parts on the North and South pole have six monthly days and nights according to the position of the earth w.r.t. the sun in its revolution round the sun, which it completes in around 365 days called a year in changing elliptical orbits. Their combined effect being changing seasons, varying duration of days and nights and occurence of eclipses of the sun and the moon.
For time calculations earths globe is imagined to be divided by 360 vertical lines called longitudes emerging from and ending at the poles. Since each round of rotation (night and day) is termed 24 hours and each hour comprises of 60 minutes while each minute is of 60 seconds, each longitudinal line takes 4 minutes to move past the sun. Each country has its standard time. Vast countries take the time of a centrally located place as its standard e.g. the time of Nagpur is taken as IST. Globally Greenwich is taken as the zero line for time calculation and its time is called the G.M.T.
Different calendars are in use based on lunar and solar systems. In India three calendars of Hindus viz. Bikrami, Shaka and Saft Rishi, Hijri Calendar of Muslims and solar calendar of Christians are in use. Accordiging to ancient Hindus scriptures and belief there is a cycle of four yugas i.e. Satya, Tritya, Dwapar and Kali yuga (being on its last legs comprising of 5000 years). Rotation of thousands of such yugas make a Mantra and then a Kalpa. At the end of each Kalpa total destruction of the universe takes place which is called Kalpa Ant. Christians call it the dooms day and Muslims call it Roz-e-Qayamat. On this occurence Karn Shariras merge with the eternity; Souls rise to meet God according to Christianity, and Ruh-e-pak rise to meet Allah. The cycle of Srashti, Palna and Sanhara continues on according to Hindus.
*Asta Asta Khasta Panchalasi
Suham Bihit Pyath Balasi
Yuth Na Tokh Lagi ati Lalsai
Manther Par Pujan Prabhu
Mansthir Kar Pujan Prabhu
(Swami Parmanand)
Let Prana (breath) rise slowly through the nose to the Sandhi Sthan of Pranayam (Agya Chakra) in the forehead.
Be careful not to injure the vital body there. Worship the Lord by Om mantra and concentrate your mind on it.