To Students

Prof Javed Mughal
My heart sinks deep down in the despair when I listen to someone saying “Mr. A, student of class x, y, z always plays truant and is not particular about his studies and his career. I really receive a rude jolt when I come across the crest- fallen parents with the tears rolling down their tallow faced cheeks and shouldering on the pyre of heart rending lamentations over the self-created failures of their clay-brained children. Dear students; you are the pillars of the Nation and custodian of the civilization and are the translation of dreams fostered by your parents. You are the embodiment of their hopes and aspirations, their pride and the main-stay of their old age. If you understand the sufferings borne by them for your sustenance complying with your demands: if you have a look at your father and mother while they are wide awake during the nights lost in the contemplation about your future and if you perceive a ray of breathless expectation in their eyes, you will get a galvanic shock of realization and will no more be visible while shuffling about flippantly in the premises of the College or in its corridor missing your classes. This fact should not be relegated to the background that the students with uplifted collars, back rolled sleeves even during the spine chilling cold and back swept hair, with an impertinent display of their youth paying no respect to the teachers; showing no concern to the expectations of their parents and running amuck in the streets like stray scandal mongers with uncouth behavior and despicable disposition, are nothing but a prologue to the devastation of their own future. You will have to realize the importance of time which is the only way to enable you to meddle with peaks of glory during the later stages of your life. You will have to attach the maximum precedence to the time factor if you want to have respectable niche in the society. You must salute to the time if you want the time to salute to you. Without enlisting the total cooperation of time it is quite on the Greek calendar for all of us to go even a step further in the positive direction of life. To waste time is to waste life and it has to be comprehended. Dear taughts! If you feel the role and essentiality of time in your specific period of life, you will never have to gulp down the bitter droughts of abject predicament. Someone has rightly said “the swiftest of all, the slowest of all; the Longest of all and the shortest at all; without which nothing can be done, which enlivens all that is great and which devours all that is little: that is time.” Dear students make it a point to tabulate the time for all the activities to be carried out from morning till evening. Some portion of the time must, honestly,be dedicated to your scholastic affairs primarily responsible for the betterment of you after course. I would not refrain even a bit from telling you that quite better for you is to put certain amount of time into the better side of life than to waste it while standing out side the Colleges and schools waiting for the students to come out with the intention to tease them or to pass the impersonal comments forgetting that you are paradoxically casting an aspersion on the name of your parents and paving a way for their denigration. Your parents send you to Colleges to make all out efforts to bless you with the fulfillment of your dreams. They leave no Stone unturned in shaping you on the best possible lines. To cap it all they want to be proud of your scintillating achievements. They want everybody to be dazzled at your success and the example of your greatness cited everywhere. This is the ultimate dream and prospect of all the parents. Just imagine, if their hopes and aspirations are dashed to the grounds; if the lifelong edifice of their dreams is crumbled into pieces; if the little world of their feelings and emotions related to you is set ablaze instead of causing them to hold their head high and if they have to feel small at yourself styled discomfiture, what will be the state of their heart and mind.
All the great scholars, statesmen, scientists, social reformers have been the youth first and passed through your stage of scholarship. They were as good as you are but they were the people with an unswerving persistence, unflagging courage and a settled conviction. They were the people with the sustained efforts on the systematic path to the fore-ordained destination. You have to decide right now and start working from now. Do not forget that the age you are going through is the age of cut – throat competition where you need to strive a lot to get upon the hill-top. Even to manage the basic comforts you will have to activate your inner-most and dormant potentialities. Remember that in the times to come the management of even two- time’s meal will be a great problem in itself for you unless you screw up your energy and decide with firm determination to be a successful component of the system. Your steps will automatically be on the move if you feel that the enthusiasm and interest in what you do are the great engineers of your fate. Learn to get a kick from whatever you do. If you can execute the ordinary job with an unstinted zeal and zest, you will definitely overtake others. Try to achieve excellence in life since the mediocrity; having no place in the world of competition, has always fallen into oblivion. It has no recognition at all. How you do and what you do, determines whether you will get out of it with the maximum results with the minimum investment of energy, resource and time or not. Nothing was ever done and achieved in the world without toil, dedication and standing determination. The best way to make a distant headway in life and to rise above the level of common-place crowd is to do everything with total sincerity. When you feel that the enthusiasm sags, you must pluck up the spirit to work harder. Throw your lethargy into the dead store and stimulate the spirit of labour to hitch your wagon to the stars. Talent is already in you and it has to be exploited in the positive direction. To do it you need no money, no political succor or no high connection but one and only one i.e. self- reliance which is the only source of boundless strength and purpose-oriented alacrity in a person.You have to have a deep insight into yourself and recognize the power and capacity bestowed upon you by Him and be confident that you will shake the very foundations of the world. You will be a model for the forthcoming generations and your name will be stamped on the portals of the centuries to come. The pen of the writers will be proud of being used for your praise and encomium. No doubt you will become a source of awakening for those who have transported themselves into the world of stupor and rejuvenation for the phlegmatic minds and acceleration for those who are already on the move. Take it for granted that God never deprives His people of the pleasant results of the genuine and justified struggle. He wants you to work and be blessed with the best. It is your duty to keep on working fairly well and rest should be left to Almighty. He will manage the affairs in your favour. But you will have to make it possible that your action and working are being carried out with the noble intention and total sincerity. Choose one goal to be achieved in life and desire only and only for that. Sometimes you allow many prospects to well up in your breast and you cannot make a right choice and consequently you are confused and confounded. I strongly believe in the fact that when your mind is full of thoughts you cannot think rightly; when you heart is full of desires, you cannot feel rightly; and if your eyes are full of dreams, you cannot see rightly. The dreams and desires disturb you and divide you. So my loving students! Select one goal, think about that and work for that. It has always been a fruitful exercise to focus on one objective at a time which most of times, has proved to be a prerequisite for the success in life. The mobilization of your determination and potential for a single goal will ultimately lead you to the world of accomplishments ever longed for.
The moment your innermost voice, which instills a decision- making power in you, prevails upon your heart and mind, you will resolve on your own maintaining like “I am in earnest; I will not equivocate. I will not vacillate even a bit; I will not retreat a single inch, and I will make it as well as achieve it” As soon as you start feeling and speaking like that, a three- fold combination clicks in you. Your doubts stands vanished and a strong new confidence propels you into the world of action. The innate qualities and capabilities are no longer at loose ends but get welded into one unified driving force. You are at once anchored, no longer uncertain or quivering but well rooted on your feet and firmly set in purpose oriented direction. You are energized.As you will turns on, switch on the motor of your personality and you will find your will power fully activated.