Tony puts upgraded transformer to public service

DDC member, Taranjit Singh Tony inaugurating transformer at Satriyan on Thursday.
DDC member, Taranjit Singh Tony inaugurating transformer at Satriyan on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent
R.S PURA, Aug 26: District Development Council (DDC) Member Suchetgarh, Taranjit Singh Tony has assured the people of his territorial constituency that their long pending demands like improving the power situation across Suchetgarh will soon be fulfilled.
He was addressing a gathering during a function organized to augment 100 KVA power transformer into 250 KVA transformer at village Sidder near Satriyan here today.
While he inaugurated the upgraded transformer, Th. Jai Singh, a senior citizen of the area dedicated the upgraded power transformer to the people of the area in presence of Sukhdev Singh Manhas and other prominent members of the village.
Tony appealed J&K Power Development Corporation (JKPDC) to immediately release funds for the plans forwarded to it by the DDC member.
He said that the burnt transformers of the area on which Agriculture sector is dependent are awaiting replacement as a result of which paddy crop and farmers are getting adversely affected.
Tony accused JKPDC of adopting a highly callous approach that has resulted in tube wells and lift irrigation plants and machinery becoming absolutely defunct besides the pump sets also not working due to damaged power transformers.
He said that in view of lack of irrigation due to damaged transformers the area should be declared drought hit and adequate compensation should be provided to the affected farmers.
He also assured that a new 100 KVA power transformer would be installed at Satriyan near temple.