Top notch scientist interacts with KU faculty

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Aug 24: In order to keep pace with the ongoing scientific researches, the University of Kashmir today organized an interactive session of all the Deans and senior faculty members with the top notch scientist of India, Prof Jitendra Nath Goswami.
The award winning scientist and Director of Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, Prof Jitendra Nath Goswami said the University of Kashmir should go for more and more collaborations with other reputed research institutions and organizations across India.
“The faculty members should interact with each other, delve on new research ideas, discuss, debate,” Goswami said adding “You should also enhance the number of your research scholars at various science departments,” he said.
Prof Goswami said the PRL actively involved in research, related to five major fields of science and is also instrumental in the PLANEX planetary science and exploration program.
On the occasion, Vice Chancellor KU, Prof Talat Ahmad, who chaired the session, said that efforts were being made to get various reputed national level science projects for the University. “We have more than 40 known projects run by various science departments, which I think is a positive and profitable trend for the University in the years to come,” he added.
Dean Research, KU, Prof Khurshid Andrabi, while interacting with the Speaker updated the members of the various possibilities and opportunities of getting more projects for the university.
Registrar KU, Prof Zaffar A Reshi informed the Scientist about the various projects undertaken by KU in collaboration with PRL in the past.
The session was also attended all Deans, Heads of various science departments and senior faculty members.