Tough posturing required against Pak: Dr Jitendra

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 23 : Comm-enting on the appeal made yesterday by the Govt of India to Pakistan to maintain the “sanctity” of the Line of Control (LoC) and a similar  appeal made simultaneously by the J&K Chief Minister, BJP National Executive Member & Chief Spokesperson Dr Jitendra Singh said here today, it is precisely because of such soft diplomatic appeals that Pakistan is getting emboldened each passing day and added, it is high time for New Delhi to realize that against a hawkish establishment in Islamabad, only a tough posturing can act as a deterrant.
Referring to intelligence reports cited by Brigade Commander, 120 Infantry Brigade,  A. Sengupta, Dr Jitendra Singh said even as India continues to talk soft, there are inputs that Pakistan’s Border Action Team (BAT) is planning something big and may engineer virulent attacks on the forward posts along LoC while over 200 to 300 terrorists are already waiting to infiltrate from across the border. Kishtwar should serve as a forewarning of the revised terrorist strategy wherein Pak sponsored outfits likeLashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) are seeking to ignite local communal elements, he said.
Dr Jitendra Singh expressed surprise that the Congress led UPA Government has not woken up to the seriousness of the situation even after repeatedslaughter and beheading of our Jawans in clear violation of all established international norms and convention. There have been 70 ceasefire violations by the Pakistani troops this year from January 1 to August 5, which is 85 per cent more than the last year during the same corresponding period, he said. The fierce exchanges in recent weeks have also cast a shadow on the Indo-Pak border truce which India and Pakistan had entered on November 26,  2013 as a confidence building measure at the initiative of the Vajpayee led NDA regime, he added.
Where is the “sanctity” of LoC left, asked Dr Singh, when Pakistan troops have been violating it on a daily basis for the past several days without a break and also targeting our civilian villages along the borderline.