Towards grass root democracy in J&K

After the end of Muncipal elections people are curiously waiting for Panchayat polls to see whether BJP will carry its sway at village level also or will it remain confined to municipality limits. But the recent successful end of violence free municipal elections in the state is a strong message to all those who otherwise do not want free, fair and smooth election process in Jammu & Kashmir. Governor Satya Pal Malik rightly said “not a bird was harmed and civic elections were conducted peacefully”.The credit for violence free election of urban local bodies goes to security arrangements, proper planning and its execution. The absence of any noticeable violence or misadventure at polling stations as also of resort to electoral malpractice is testimony to successful conduct of elections in the state. It appears that people have rejected the conventional type of politics for vote bank, which now a days has become the hallmark of political system.
The large voter turnout in the local body election in the state shows that the boycott call given by the PDP and NC was rejected by the people, especially in Rajouri and Poonch district where both the parties have a veritable presence as is evident from the number of Assembly seats which they have. Heavy turnout of the people to cast votes in these two border districts shows their faith in democratic setup of the state and the belief that political contestation is the only viable way to solve any problem. Though there is a dismal picture of lower voter turnout in Kashmir and the obvious reasons arevisible terrorist threat, boycott of Municipal elections by NC and later on by PDP over unclear stand of the centre on Art 35A, lack of faith of separatists in any democratic exercise by Central Government etc.But the most crucial reason for lower voter turnout is threat of selective and target killings for participating in election process (especially the local bodies election) in Kashmir as there are numerous instances of such terrorist killings in the past.The conspirators on the other side of border are trying their best to forestall any electoral process in the state from Parliamentary elections to election at grass root level because the failure of any democratic process in Jammu and Kashmir would help them to tarnish the image of India at world level and to project that India isforcefully occupying the state of Jammu & Kashmir with military might and to misinform the international community that the conduct of any elections in Jammu and Kashmir is only an eyewash and a ceremonial exercise.
But heavy turnout of the people to cast their votes in Jammu and Ladakh for urban body polls conveyed a strong message to Pakistan that people of the state will no more be trapped by the malicious and vicious agenda of Pakistan to disturb peace. People in the state have shown their inclination for peace, harmony and development – which are prerequisites for a happy and prosperous life.But when it comes to Kashmir, as if the terrorist threats were not enough, the PDP and NC boycott call has only worsened the situation and contributed to thwart the democratic process which is indispensable to tackle the volatile situation in the Kashmir. This boycott is not merely undemocratic and unacceptable but outright hypocritical especially when both PDP and NC still hold seats in Parliament and State Assembly and have themselves recently participated in LAHDC Kargil elections but deny the same opportunity to the people at grass root level which is a bedrock of democracy. The allegations levelled by NC and PDP over lack of clear stand of Center Government on Art 35A and their subsequent boycott of elections at third tier of Government carry no logic. It reflects that they have lack of faith in Judiciary which has yet to pronounce a final verdict on article 35A.When the case is pending in Supreme Court then there is no apparent need to compel center govt to clarify its stand on art 35A because whatever be the stand which Central Government takes on 35A, it would have no role or influence on Supreme court of India which is still impartial, independent and away from any political intervention. If it were not so, the Central Government would have used the judiciary to further its own political agenda.
The adamant nature of PDP and NC simply signals that they have their political agendas to get sympathy votes of the people in Valley in the upcoming election in centre and state which are expected to be held simultaneously next year. The stark reality is that both NC and PDP still hold their political posts but gave a boycott call to the election at grass root level which is a step ahead in the direction to empower the people and establish democratic institution for smooth working of the political system.
The election at the third tier is not going to help India and Pakistan but go a long way to empower people politically as well as economically.The direct inflow of the funds to the people would help in mitigating several basic problems. The Central Goverment is already mulling to bring the state Panchayat act at par with 73rd amendment act of the Constitution thereby making it more inclusive and democratic. The power to the people in letter and spirit to decide their local issues without any outer political intervention is a basic principle of a democratic setup. Democratic decentralization is the first step to solve larger political controversies. The institution building and effective working of democratic institutions is indispensable for a flourishing democracy and for mitigating different economic and political issues.The effective working of political institutions at grass root level is a preparatory step towards a conducive atmosphere to solve broader political issues .What does a common man need- it is the needs essential to survival to be fulfilled on priority basis like Roti, Kapda aur Makaan (food, clothing and shelter).
The Marxian fundamentals also move around these basic needs.The whole premise of Marxian philosophy is based on these words ” Men must eat to live and to eat he enters a social organisation.”And if the same society is inclusive, democratically elected and people-oriented then it has wider political appeal. Any initiative to set up such a democratically elected institution to empower people is a laudable step.The sense of empowerment among people and dignity as participants in the Government to decide the local issues with conventional knowledge instils faith in democracy and Government of the land. The recent elections in our state are also a step in this direction. The dire need of the hour is a constructive and people oriented politics by all the political parties leaving aside their politically motivated interest to wield power for the sake of power and their indifferent attitude to the basic problems of the masses. There is an absolute need to take welfare measure to ensure that basic needs are fulfilled and that problems of the people would not be compromised.