Traders protest against attitude of CAPD officials

Traders staging protest against CAPD officials at Ware House Mandi in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Traders staging protest against CAPD officials at Ware House Mandi in Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 31: Agitated over the atrocious attitude of Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution Department officials, the traders of Ware House, Nehru Market today lodged a strong protest against uncalled action of officials of the Department.
Department’s team under the supervision of Assistant Director Vipin Bhagat paid a surprise visit in one of the shops in Warehouses area today. Deepak Gupta, president Traders Federation Ware House Nehru Market when asked about the reasons, he said the officer misbehaved and misused his power. Furious over the attitude of the officer, traders shut down their shops and started a protest on the main road of Ware House. Both gates of Ware House were closed and essential supply stalled against the attitude of the officer.
Deepak Gupta while leading protest warned the administration of serious consequences in case the authorities of the department would not mend its ways. Protesting strongly over the attitude of ADm CAPD, Vipin Bhagat, Deepak Gupta threatened to stop the essential supplies in whole Jammu and Kashmir.
Gupta said that it is common practice that departmental officers to come to the Mandi and take samples for investigation, but Vipin Bhagat brought the police with him and entered the shop with the police without informing anyone and indulged in heated arguments with traders.
He said that the businessman collects the tax for the government and only wants respect in return, but today the departmental officers entered the shop in such a way that he was not a shopkeeper but a terrorist. He said traders would not tolerate such behavior. He demanded action against the officer.
Meanwhile Arun Gupta, president Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jammu also reached the spot and joined the agitating traders. Observing the situation Additional Deputy Commissioner Law and Order, Minga Sherpa reached the spot and assured the inquiry in this matter. After his assurance, traders ended their protest. Meanwhile, heads of various trade bodies in Jammu condemned the incident.