Traffic accidents

It has been observed  that night accidents of the heavy vehicles generally occur due to negligence of the drivers. The single light in heavy vehicles and non appearance of light indicators in the vehicles also cause accidents during the night hours as single light indicates that a two wheeler is coming from the opposite side. The rash driving, overtaking and domestic animals roaming in the roads are also one of the causes of daily accidents. Many accidents can be avoided by taking precautionary measures. Those using single light in vehicles during night hours should be taken into task by the traffic authorities.
The Traffic Department can impose traffic rules/restrictions on such vehicles whose fitness  is incomplete so that the  precious lives can be saved by the implementation of the Traffic Rules in letter and spirit. Now-a-days it has become a tendency of every one to overtake the other at any cost. The result of such unmindful driving is not harmful for the traffic violators but others innocents also which also needs to be curbed.
Yours etc….
A.K. Sen
Janipur, Jammu