Traffic congestion

There is a need to formulate and enforce stringent laws to deal with the negligent rash drivers who have made the lives of general masses miserable. Immediate action for formulating laws in the next legislative assembly session to deal with the violators of traffic laws should be passed with voice vote it is the need of the hour as the people’s representatives have the responsibility to provide relief to the general public.
The congestion of traffic on the roads of Jammu can be eased by way of constructing fly overs and subways on priority basis which is the need of the hour as the general public is facing hardships on that count.
This is none other than the general public who can provide support to the Government by helping it by one way or the other. Let general public without fearing anyone take a vow to deal with the negligent rash drivers who possess death warrant in their brains by immediately constituting a group of 4 to 5 or 5 to 10 people on the spot of any accident to complain against these drivers giving their full name and address and cell phone numbers and collectively signing the complaint and a proper receipt obtained from the police post and then it is the duty of police to deal with these defaulters with minimum harassment to complainants.
The matador drivers are the worst in creating traffic congestion and abrupt accidents. Here police can play a positive role by booking reckless drivers under traffic laws.
Yours etc……..
Er Jaswant Singh Rana
Poohie, Kishtwar