Traffic jams on Jammu-Srinagar NH trouble commuters

Traffic congestion at single-lane stretch in Mehar area of Ramban. -Excelsior/Parvaiz Mir
Traffic congestion at single-lane stretch in Mehar area of Ramban. -Excelsior/Parvaiz Mir

No restrictions on fruit laden trucks: IG Traffic
Gopal Sharma

JAMMU, Nov 1: Frequent traffic jams on Jammu-Srinagar National Highway, specially in Ramban- Banihal section of the highway, have become the cause of serious concern for the road users.
It is not only aggravating environmental pollution in the area but also exerting extra burden on the pockets of vehicles owners and operators due to excessive use of fuel. Moreover, snails’ pace of the vehicles for long time is wasting time of the people using this road.
Reports said that about eight to 10 points along the National Highway in Ramban sector have turned more trouble prone as due to single passage at these stretches, the movement of vehicles from one side is stopped and some time if the vehicles are allowed from both sides, an unwanted traffic jam is created there. At many such places, the traffic cops are often seen missing during peak hours and it further aggravates the problems of the commuters and other road users.
It further said that the most vulnerable areas are Mehar, Cafeteria Morh, Dalwas, Kela Morh, Magarkote, Marog, Nachlana, Sher Bibi and Nashri Tunnel. Frequent land sliding due to rains and poorly executed road widening exercise by some local contractors, to whom big companies have sublet the contracts, is said to be the major cause of such traffic jams.
Frequent sinking of road at Dalwas stretch near Chanderkote force temporary closure of road for some time, till the road is repaired. Due to this problem the vehicles on both sides are made to stop and it also leads to traffic jams. The traffic mismanagement many times become the cause of long traffic jams at some other places where the road is narrow and the work on the second tube or flyover is in progress. The point near T-1 Tunnel near Kela Morh is facing the similar type of situation. The approach road to Tunnel was badly damaged due to recent landslide after heavy rain. The work is in progress at this stretch. It may take several weeks for completion but the point has become trouble prone.
A passenger, Rahul Sharma who was caught in traffic jam hardly three days ago while coming to Jammu from Srinagar said that instead of five hours it took him about eight and half hours to reach Jammu. He said at narrow patches near Banihal and three places in Ramban area, his vehicle was caught in jams.
He said mostly Tempo Traveler and other Taxi operators moving between Srinagar and Jammu do not stop at the narrow and single stretches and often become major cause of traffic jams. Another point between Panthyal and Magarkote has become problematic. After the completion of a Tunnel there, the problem perhaps will be sorted out. Digdol and Marog points have also become vulnerable as far as the traffic jams are concerned.
On such occasions, he said, the traffic police cops are often remain missing. He said no doubt, it is not possible or practically feasible for the Traffic Police authorities to keep staff every where along the highway but atleast they can deploy cops at the vulnerable and other points were road is single to facilitate the road users. Even some times, the women and children have to face tough time during long traffic jams. There is need to increase the Traffic Police manpower along the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway in view of heavy volume of traffic, he added.
A senior officer at Ramban said that at 9 kms Nashri Tunnel the traffic is stopped some times due to breakdown in the poor exhaust system. With massive smoke inside the tunnel, the visibility becomes poor and then the traffic is stopped on both sides. With this, traffic jamming is also created. The staff at the tunnel claims that Exhaust system has collapsed and that is why the traffic has been stopped. After the visibility improves, the traffic is allowed.
Inspector General of Police Traffic, J&K, Bhimsen Tuti when contacted said that between October 17 and Oct 22, due to blockade of road at least at 10-12 spots after rains in Ramban section, this problem surfaced. He said in between, the Jammu-Srinagar National Highway was closed for 24 hours, for want of urgent repair work. During this period, heavy volume of traffic remained stuck at several places on the highway. He informed that average, 10,000 to 11,000 vehicles move along Jammu-Srinagar National Highway on daily basis. It takes some time to clear heavy volume of stranded traffic.
The IG Traffic further said that for clearance of this traffic it took some time, moreover, road was also single at several stretches. The road widening work is going on at several points in this sector and some times the traffic is abruptly stopped in view of danger of falling boulders from the hill. These problems were witnessed during previous rains. But now, for the last a few days, the things have improved. Many areas have been cleared and even today few vehicles of my friends arrived Srinagar from Jammu in five hours. He denied allegation of shortage of staff along the NH but claimed that things would further improve in coming days.
Responding to question, the IG Traffic said that there is no restriction on the movement of fruits laden trucks coming from Kashmir towards Jammu or Delhi. He said there were such allegations earlier from certain sections in this regard. ” Our staff is not stopping fruit laden trucks anywhere along this highway. These operators are allowed to move freely from both the sides,” he added.