Traffic Police officers, office bearers of Mini-Buses Transport Unions hold meet

Traffic Police officers and office bearers of Mini-Buses Transport Unions during meeting at Jammu on Tuesday.
Traffic Police officers and office bearers of Mini-Buses Transport Unions during meeting at Jammu on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 22: A meeting was held between the officers of Traffic Police and office bearers of Mini Buses Transport Unions of Jammu district.
The meeting was presided over by IGP (Traffic) J&K Alok Kumar and was attended among others by Staff Officer to IGP (Traffic) J&K, SSP Traffic City Jammu, DDP THQ J&K, SP Traffic Rural Jammu, Vijay Singh, President All Mini-Buses Unions, Suram Singh General Manager All Mini-Buses Unions and others.
After a brief introduction by the office bearers of the Mini-Buses Unions, the IGP (Traffic) J&K informed the attendants about the motive of the meeting which was to work together for over-all improvement in the traffic management system so that no inconvenience is caused to general public.
The participants were informed that the men in blue work day and night for bringing a positive change in the system and they have been directed to be firm yet polite with the drivers and other road users.
IGP briefed the office bearers of the unions about the basics of driving public service vehicles like importance of discipline required by the drivers of the Mini-Buses, sticking to the routes allotted by the concerned authorities, restrictions upon change of design/structure of their vehicles, halt at designated bus stops, restriction upon use of music system and loud speakers and use of uniform by drivers.
IGP asked that while plying on road, the doors of the vehicle be kept closed for safety of the passengers. Stress was also laid upon the importance of having valid documents like route permit, registration certificate, appropriate license, insurance cover, fitness etc. Besides, it was also felt necessary to conduct regular awareness programmes for the drivers of the Mini-Buses so as to inculcate among them a sense of responsibility and awareness towards their duties as lay down by law.
The office bearers of the matador unions also highlighted their problems which include lack of adequate parking areas, lack of infrastructure and also informed that the situation has considerably improved over the couple of years with there being very little overloading in the vehicles and no violation of route permit.
IGP stressed upon them to come up with their grievances, suggestions as well as viable proposals for redressal.
The office bearers were asked to take necessary measures at their level within a period of seven days after which the legal process to stop these violations would be augmented.