Traffic restored after massive traffic jam on Kashmir highway

SRINAGAR :  Traffic was restored after massive traffic jam as hundreds of vehicles, including those carrying passengers were stranded this morning on the Srinagar-Jammu national highway, the only road linking the Kashmir valley with the rest of the country.    Now the traffic was plying normally as all vehicles, including those carrying essentials and passengers, which were stranded on other side of the Jawahar tunnel since last night were cleared first today.
A traffic police official told that after clearing the Kashmir-bound stranded vehicles, normal traffic from Kashmir to Jammu was allowed.
Official sources had said a large number of vehicles, including trucks loaded with essentials, which had left Jammu yesterday could not cross the tunnel area last night due to slippery road conditions.
However, when this morning vehicles left Kashmir valley for Jammu, there was massive traffic jam in the tunnel area, the sources said adding as the Kashmir-bound vehicles, which were stopped at different places on other side of the tunnel, also started moving towards Srinagar.    Only one-way traffic was allowed on the Srinagar-Jammu highway for the past about one month to avoid traffic jam and accidents as the road was damaged at several places and there was still threat of avalanches.    Dozens of villages, including those near the Line of Control (LoC), in north Kashmir remained cut off with their respective district headquarters due to heavy snowfall.    Residents of Gurez, Machil, Keran and Karnah have demanded helicopter service so that people stranded could be  airlifted.
The Mughal road, connecting south Kashmir with Jammu region also remained closed.
The highway, connecting the Ladakh region with the rest of the country also remained closed since December last year due to heavy snowfall.