Traffic week

This has reference to the news item ‘Mass awareness campaigns to be organized during Road Safety Week’ DE Jan 9.
In view of increasing traffic jams, and road accidents it has become quite necessary that people are made aware of traffic rules and safety measures. Though there are numerous rules in vouge to deal with traffic  violators, but it becomes very difficult for police to implement them on regular basis due to shortage  of staff  and other requisite infrastructure. So, if people are senitized about this important issue, the problem of traffic jams will be overcome to a great extent.
It is highly appreciative that J K Motor Vehicles Department in collaboration with other stakeholders is organizing walkaton, cyclothon, medical  check-ups and other activities to sanitize people. But one remains sceptical whether this one-week affair is going to change the mindset of people. As has been observed such programmes have not yielded desired results so far.  That is why the traffic today is chaotic and horrifying.
In case we are truly interested in improving the condition, it is quite imperative that traffic authorities conduct such programmes periodically at least once in a month.
Only then it is possible that we  may have safe roads.
Yours etc…
Sunita Aggarwal