Traffic woes near hospitals

The Bakshi Nagar-Mahesh Pura area of the city has become a central location for diagnostic laboratories and similar clinics. Unfortunately, many of these establishments lack parking facilities for visitors, leading to vehicles being parked along the roadside, causing traffic congestion on the Government Medical College road. Additionally, several diagnostic labs in the area do not have proper arrangements for the disposal of biomedical waste, causing concern among residents. The persistent issue of traffic congestion caused by vehicles wrongly parked on the roadside, leading to 24×7 traffic jams, is a serious concern. This area is adjacent to a hub of hospitals, making the traffic congestion even more problematic. Despite the removal of the illegal shed shops from the front gate, which has alleviated congestion in that specific area, the problem continues unabated on the approach roads.
One of the major questions raised is how these laboratories and diagnostic centres are operating without the knowledge and oversight of the concerned authorities. Several supervisory departments, including the Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC), the Director of Health Services, the Pollution Control Board, and the traffic police, should ideally be proactive in addressing this emerging situation. The fact that these laboratories are cropping up in residential areas in violation of municipal laws is a grave concern. All relevant departments must work together to address the proliferation of diagnostic centres in residential zones. The argument that all necessary tests are being conducted in hospitals raises questions about the necessity of these diagnostic centres in the first place. If hospitals are indeed providing comprehensive diagnostic services, the need for additional so many private diagnostic centres in the vicinity should be thoroughly examined.
This issue must be addressed as a top priority, considering the health and well-being of the residents in the area and the persistently problematic traffic situation near hospitals, which is unacceptable. Coordination and proactive measures by all concerned departments are essential to mitigate these issues and ensure the smooth functioning of healthcare facilities and traffic management in the area.