TRAI proposes use of blockchain technology to curb pesky calls, SMS

NEW DELHI, May 29: Telecom regulator TRAI today issued new draft norms to curb pesky calls and SMSes by using blockchain technology to ensure that telemarketing messages are sent only to those who have subscribed to them, and that too by authorized entities.
“Blockchain will ensure two things — non- repudiative and confidentiality. Only those authorised to access details will be able to access subscriber details and only when they need to deliver service… TRAI will become first organisation to implement this kind of regulation,” TRAI Chairman RS Sharma told reporters.
The Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations 2018 draft will be open for public comment till June 11. The new technology based norms will record all communication between subscribers and entities, capturing customer consent for information and authorised telemarketing agencies. TRAI Secretary SK Gupta said: “It is learnt that many telemarketing firms get registered with telecom companies to obtain subscriber details.  (PTI)