Trail of contradictions !


Not a “comedy of errors” to use a Shakespearean phrase but indeed a “comedy of contradictions”  to paraphrase Shakespeare while referring to an unending “trail” of contradictions unfolding on the J&K scene.
The State pledges to fight for revocation of AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act) but simultaneously allows a security  hand-out reminding State VIPs not to compromise with their security cover while un underground tunnel dug by Pak agencies is discovered in the vicinity of district Samba which is sought to be recommended as a safer district for phased revocation of AFSPA.
The State pledges to be “transparent” but simultaneously amends the RTI (Right to Information) Act  converting it into a toothless version of the RTI that exists in the rest of the country.
The State  pledges to give a 100% accountable governance but simultaneoulsy trims down the authority of “State Accountability Commission” by allowing all the cases against Ministers and bureaucrats pending before it to seek refuge in “Stay Orders” from indulgent courts.
The State pledges to root out corruption but simultaneously turns a blind eye to “State Vigilance Organisation” (SVO) dragging its feet on dozens of piled up cases against ministers and senior bueaucrats.
The State pledges to eradicate the much hyped menace of ”cash for vote” and cries foul over  allegations involving an Opposition party but simultaneously refuses an impartial CBI inquiry into the mysterious death of a ruling party activist at his party leader’s official residence after he had declared to the world that crores exchanged hands for purchase of a ministerial berth or an MLC seat under the present dispensation.
The State pledges to carry back the displaced Kashmiri Pandits back to their homes in valley with all the safety and care ensured while simultaenously those of the Pandits who were put up at tenements in Jagati township sit on a hunger strike against indifference and  apathy shown to them.
The State pledges to go hi-tech and earns Prime Minister’s lavish appreciation for the power point presentation shown to him during his Srinagar visit last year while simultaneously many a state websites remain un-updated displaying names of some officials who are since retired or deceased.
Now that is it. To be or not to be…as goes another Shakespearean phrase. To believe or not to believe? To acclaim or not to acclaim? To hail or not to hail ? To solute or not to solute ?
To be fair to all and without taking any sides….what is the fact on ground ? That is the question. Again, not daring to answer this question lest being accused of being biased, the safest option is to go by what the common man feels and how far the common man is gratified by what  the  State pledges. For, after all, the fruit of pudding  lies in its taste.
The last word on this “comic trail of contradictions”  will come not by lending ear to high-ups but by keeping ear to the ground. Umapathy  drops the Ghalib cue ‘‘ Sun To Sahi Jahan Mein Hai Tera Fasaana Kya, Kahti Hai Tujhko Khalk-e-Khuda Gaibana Kya ?’’