Trail of Roshni Scheme

The much hyped Roshni Scheme has eluded its authors because from the very beginning, it has been mired in controversies and scandals. For example, at the time of floating the scheme its authors raised the hope that the scheme would fetch anything above 25,000 crore rupees by selling state lands at market price to occupants. Relevant figures available in this transaction are highly disappointing.  Statistics Suggest that around 1.66 lakh applications have been cleared by the Revenue Department vesting ownership rights on 6.05 lakh kanals of land against the approved cost of Rs 316 crore. However, the returns have been just Rs 76 crore under the much-hyped scheme so far—over Rs 53 crore in Kashmir and Rs 22 crore in Jammu. In large number of cases approved by the official committees, the occupants are yet to deposit the cost of land or they have not cleared the full balance. Now the Government is proposing to extend the time limit for submitting applications and depositing the fee for a period of six months allowing the defaulters to take the benefit. As the scheme has been floated, it should be taken to its logical conclusion and the people who have not been vested with ownership rights should be brought at par with those who have already completed their ownership cases. At the same time, Revenue Department should make sure that land encroachers don’t misuse the provisions of Roshni scheme for their own benefit.