Training workshop on ground water at Institution of Enggs

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 4:   A  two- day training workshop on “Application & Uses of Hydro Geomorphologic Mapping for Ground Water Prospections” is being held at the Institution of Engineers (India), Channi Himmat, here on December 4 & 5.
The programme is being  conducted by India Water Foundation National Key resource Centre Ministry of  Drinking Water and Sanitation Govt of  India for the Staff  & Members of State Water and Sanitation Mission (SWSM), Panchayati Raj Institution (PRIs), Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Communication & Capacity Development Unit (CCDU), NGOs, community based organization, master trainer etc.
The workshop was inaugurated by  Parvez Ahamed Malik, Secretary PHE, Irrigation & Flood Control Department, J&K Govt.  In  his inaugural address Mr Malik emphasized on the upgrading of skills and knowledge and making all stake-holders aware of the latest technology. He also referred to the Meghalya model as mentioned by Dr Arvind Kumar, president,  India Water Foundation where the convergence of all stakeholders is positively impacting outcomes. He also mentioned about the work being done by the PHE Department under the `Swacch Bharat Abhiyan’ and Flood Control to ensure cleanliness and control of floods in future emphasizing on the need to have a road map for water security plan.
While welcoming the chief guest Mr Malik,   Dr Arvind Kumar,  president, IWF talked about the need of sharing knowledge between Central and State Governments, organizations and various other agencies to enable brining all the other stakeholders on a common knowledge platform.  It’s worth mentioning the Meghalya model here where the convergence of top down and bottoms up approach has brought the various departments to work together for a common outcome. He emphasized the fact that such trainings while enhancing the current engineering solutions would also support and help newer technology adoptions.