Tramboo heads newly framed JKPRP

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Oct 14: The newly framed Jammu Kashmir Peoples Republican Party (JKPRP) in its one day convention here, today elected Ghulam Nabi Tramboo (advocate), a veteran working class leader as its first president.
Addressing the convention later Mr Tramboo said that the Party will work on secular principles and for the betterment of people of all three regions of the State who have suffered a lot due to wrong policies of successive Governments over the years.
He said the Party which is wedded to the secular cause will take the message to every nook and corner of the State and fasten the bonds of friendship and brotherhood among the communities to isolate the forces inimical to the common cause of people in the State.
The meeting however made an appeal to Election Commission of India (ECI) not to go ahead with its proposal of holding elections in the State as per schedule as the situation was not conducive for the same in view of the havoc created by the last month’s floods in the State in general and Kashmir valley in particular.
It said the first priority should be given to relief and rehabilitation of flood victims and restoration of their confidence in the democratic system. To make election process a total success and ensure maximum participation of people in the democratic process the elections should be deferred by some months, it added.
The representatives of the Party from all the districts of the Valley participated in the meeting. The prominent among them included Mir Ghulam Rasool Butwani, Nazir Josh, Syed Mohammed Amin Andrabi, Comrade Ghulam Mohi-ud-Din Sofi, Advocate Muzafar Ahmed, Harjit Singh, Ghulam Rasool Loan, Syed Masood, Dr Tilat Majid and Haji Ali Mohammed Bhat.