Transfer Policy of Government employees

The Government employees will get some relief after the intervention of Supreme Court of India by giving landmark notice to the State Governments for their transfer policy in respect of employees of their respective states. The decision is well appreciated by the employees and public at large, who without any fault have to be ready with their bed holdings to join their new place of postings to their utmost surprise without completing basic tenure that is two years. Even in some cases, without allowing the employees to avail joining time as if orders were issued on war footings.
In many cases, intelligent, honest, hard working employees are the victims of these orders. Their only fault is that they have no approach in the higher-ups and are poor medium category employees living hand to mouth. Their only source of income is their salary.
Recently, it was reported in this newspapers that employees who are serving in Ladakh and who have completed their tenure of two-three years have not been transferred till date from that area. If Government takes one decision of two-three year tenure in one place then what is the reason that they ignore, violate their own decisions causing serious problems for the employees who often have to face depression, heart problems and live on medication. We often read in newspapers, especially about Police Department that SHOs of respective stations are transferred within months. We see the officers being transferred, shuffled from one range to another even to other districts without giving them chance to settle. How law and order will be maintained when officers are not sure whether they have to complete two years at that post. There are many dedicated officers, employees who are sufferers.
But, there is another side of the story. Many blue eyed employees; Yes-men of bosses who have no semblance of merit and honesty are stationed at one place close to their bosses.  After completing 10-15 years of service at that place, no higher-up dares to transfer them. These types of employees have their own groups, completely united and having networks fast like the 3G in communication with them. One can watch these types of employees in every department of the Government. They show that they are the bosses who run the government and without them, nothing is possible.
Yours etc………
Kaushal Kotwal
SDAO (Retd.), Jammu