Transfer policy of ReT teachers

Change is the law of nature. Any rule/norm enacted if doesn’t suit in given situations or if fails to achieve desired objectives for which it exists, ought to be amended. The transfer policy of ReT teachers, as observed, is largely against will and wish of the teachers, particularly, the female teachers who stand married at different places far far away from the place of their duty. The policy of keeping an employee continuously at a station for decades, not only harms his/her family interests but also affects his performance and dedication. It goes without saying that one can take a horse to the water forcibly but can’t make it to drink. However, if continuance of ReTs in schools is indispensible, they can be replaced by engaging ReT teachers only as there is no dearth of educated youths awaiting patiently for employment. Continuing the existing transfer policy is in no way going to benefit the schools as well as the teachers concerned. Therefore, an immediate decision in the matter is need of the hour.
Yours etc….
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)