Transform Cbe into solar power city&Centre of Excellence:Kalam

COIMBATORE, Sept 6: Former President Dr A P J Abdul Kalam today suggested tapping solar power in a big way to beat power outages and said this power starved city could transform into a solar power city and Centre of Excellence to create skill development Centre for solar power for the nation.

“Solar power should be tapped in a big way, in view of the frequent power outages. It is an opportunity for power-starved Coimbatore to transform into a Solar Power City and the Centre of Excellence in creating skill development Centre for solar power for the entire nation,” he said.

Speaking at the 10th year celebrations of ‘Siruthuli’, an NGO, Kalam said people could help develop a Solar Home Grid to power their houses by formulating a Cooperative model combining many streets together as a block.

In the long run, it would be economical and the electric power used by homes could be spared to industries and cross subsidy would reduce the cost, he said.

Kalam also suggested that small industries join together and form SSI Solar Micro Grid as a cluster through Cooperative management system.

“Small medium enterprises and big enterprizes can create their own grid independently or in a SME Corporatte Solar Power Grid under Cooperative Management System,” he said.

These three Solar Grids, with supporting solar policy of Tamil Nadu Government,could ensure Coimbatore becomes a famous Solar Power Hub, making the city a Centre for the solar Power industry, particularly in manufacturing nano-technology based solar PV cells with carbon Nano tubes, solar panel, solar thermal system, endurable nano battery system, various accessories and maintenance for Solar Industry, he said.

Later, when reporters sought Kalam’s reaction on the security threat in view of developments in areas bordering China and Pakistan, Kalam replied “If Coimbatore develops, the entire Nation will develop.”

    Later addressing differently abled children at Amrit Centre, Kalam “if we can find a way of incresing neuronal density (to be trimmed appropriately) at least in some areas, we will be able to give better quality of life to the affected children.

     A research student of his was busy involved in methods for populating higher number of neurons through natural methods of challenging the brain, external stimulation or through the use of stem cells or combination, Kalam said.

    Later addressing the Prof G R Damodaran Centenary Celebrations Distinguished Lecture series at PSG College of Technology, Kalam said a new trend was emerging now, as Globally, the demand was shifting towards development of sustainable system which were technologically superior. (PTI)