Tree of Gods

Ashok Sharma
The peepal tree (Ficus religiosa) which is also known as, Bodhi tree, Bo tree, Ashvatha, the Buddha tree or the sacred fig, is a fast growing, deciduous tree having a large crown with wide spreading branches bearing heart shaped leaves. It has fruits in the shape of small figs about one to one and a half cm in diameter.These figs contain flowers within them.The peepal tree, which is one of the long living trees,requires a lot of sunlight and water and thrives in hot and humid weather.It sometimes grows as an hemi-epiphyte getting nourishiment from the host tree and when the host trees dies, it establishes itself in the soil. It is native to India, Nepal, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh and in India it is found mainly in Haryana, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab etc. In J&K, it grows prominently in the plain areas of Udhampur, Kathua, Jammu and Samba districts and is called ‘Badh’ in Dogri language.
The peepal tree has great religious significance for the Buddhists and the Hindus.The Buddhists regard this tree as the personification of Lord Buddha who attained enlightenment while meditating under a peepal tree called Bodhi or Bo (wisdom) tree in Gaya Bihar. Lord Buddha says “One who worships this tree gets the same reward as if he worshipped me. “Hindus too regard this tree as holy and sacred.
This tree finds reference in the Hindu religious scriptures.In Bhagvadgita, Krishna says “Of all the trees, I am the Peepal tree and of all the sages and demigods,I am Narada. Hindus also perform pardakshna(circumambulation) around the peepal tree generally seven times chanting the incantation’Vriksh Rajaya Namah'(Salutation to the King of trees). Lord Vishnu is also believed to have been born under the peepal tree. According to Skand Puran, the peepal tree is the symbol of Lord Vishnu and Gods hold their councils under this tree.. In the month of Saavan, Goddess Lakshmi is believed to inhabit this tree.So worshipping this tree in the Month of Saavan has a special significance and it brings prosperity,redeems sorrows and wards off diseases. Skanda Puran also says that if one doesnot have a son, the peepal tree should be regarded as one and as long as the tree lives, the name of the family will continue. It is also believed that in this sacred tree, there reside the Trimurti- the roots being Brahma, the trunk Vishnu and the leaves, Shiva. It is also believed that it was the peepal tree which provided shelter to Sita when she was forcibly abducted by the demon king Raavna.Upon it, sat Hanuman who watched the sorrows and miseries of Sita.Thus, the peepal tree has special significance and is held in great veneration. Hindus consider this tree so pious and sacred that cutting it is considered a sin equal to the murder of a Brahmin.The leaves of the peepal tree are always moving even though there is no wind blowing. Both Hindus and Buddhists regard this movement of leaves due to the fact that gods reside in this tree. This fact has been mentioned in Bhagwadgita” O Ashvatha, I honour you whose leaves are always moving”. A seal of this tree has also been discovered in Mohanjodaro, the site of Indus Valley Civilization.The leaves of this holy tree are required at the time of performing various religious rituals.
Hindus also offer water to their dead by watering the peepal tree for over a year. This tree is also worshipped on Saturdays by the women to be blessed with children. Sadhus generally meditate under this tree. It is considered a pious act to plant this tree. In the olden days people would plant a peepal tree after performing a pilgrimage and organise a bhandara called’ chider’. It is also thought auspicious to touch this tree on Saturday to scare the Shani. Women worship this tree to be blessed with children and fructification of their wishes. They tie red thread or red cloth around the trunk of the tree.
This tree has also great medicinal value references to this in Charak Samhita, the ancient treatise on medicine. It is used for the treatment of about fifty disorders such as diarrhoea, asthma,diabetes, epilepsy etc. The juice of its leaves extracted after heating them is used as eardrops. Its bark is used in the healing of wounds and inflamation. The bark of its roots is used to cure ulcers and prevent gum diseases.Its fruit acts as a laxative which promotes digestion and checks vomitting. The fruits of this tree are also used in the cure of asthma and the seeds are used in kidney problems.It also finds use in the treatment of infertility and cracks in the feet.
Apart from religious and medicinal importance, this tree has great cultural significance. Ancestors used to plant a large number of peepal trees on the ways and paths and central places where they would sit under them often on the round platform and discuss matters related to disputes in the villages and welfare and developmental issues. Often the people would place idols of gods, demigods and local deities under this tree and worship them. The tired travellers and the people accompanying the funeral processions of the deceased Hindus would also take rest and drink water from the pitchers often placed under this tree. In the summer season, farmers sit under the peepal tree after doing hard work in their fields under the hot sun and the cool, soothing wind produced by the rustling leaves lulls them to sound and refreshing sleep. This tree is also be planted on the sources of water such as bowlies, ponds, wells, banks of rivers etc to enable people to offer water to their dead for a year after their death. In the month of Saavan, people would take swings from the cradle of cords tied to the branches of this tree. It also has aesthetic beauty and provides solace to the mind and soul when one sits in its cool shade. It gives out large quantity of oxygen into the atmosphere.
But it is sad and unfortunate that the number of this tree is fast dwindling. This is one of the long living trees and only those trees which were planted by our ancestors are visible and it a rare sight to find a young peepal tree these days.This tree has large leaves and produces maximum oxygen which help a lot in purifying the atmosphere and thus checking pollution.
The leaves of this tree can also be used as fodder for animals. It also provides shelter to a large number of birds and other creatures and the figs are eaten by birds and monkeys. This tree also grows naturally in small crevices of walls and on roofs of old buildings and palaces but it is thought by many people that it grows only when it is planted in clean and pure soil tree. Thus, it is the duty of all of us to plant this tree in large number and take care of the old trees.