Tribal Status: A Dream Come true for Paddar

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Jaswant Singh

Nestled in the remote region of Jammu & Kashmir, the Paddari tribe has quietly existed for centuries, preserving their unique cultural heritage despite enduring harsh winters and rugged terrain. After years of struggle and perseverance, the Paddari tribe has achieved a momentous milestone – the grant of Tribal Status. This official recognition represents a significant development in their journey towards justice, inclusivity, and empowerment.
The Journey Towards Tribal Status:
Awareness phase
The awareness phase, which commenced in 1975 when Pangi was granted Scheduled Tribe (ST) status, ignited hope among the people of Paddar for similar recognition. They discerned the striking commonalities between Pangi and Paddar, akin to two brothers separated from the same ancestral home, encompassing shared history and culture. This epiphany prompted the leaders of Paddar to fervently advocate for ST status, believing that having migrated from Pangi, they too were deserving of this acknowledgment. Memorandums were diligently submitted at various platforms, from local to state levels, to earnestly petition for tribal status. This phase was marked by a burgeoning realization of their rightful standing and the commencement of earnest efforts to secure official recognition.
Assertive phase
In the assertive phase, the Paddar community escalated their demand for ST status, yet their plea was met with indifference by the prevailing authorities. Undeterred, leaders like Sh Hari Krishan Tickoo, a prominent Lok Dal figure from Paddar along with Thaker Chand Rathore, Dena Nath Rathore, and others formed the Paddar Pangi Public Party as a pressure group to more assertively project their demand. They demanded either ST status for Paddar or its merger with Pangi, which had already received ST status. Despite their passionate efforts, the pressure group faced severe reprisals, with educated members bearing the brunt of the ruling dispensation’s opposition. Consequently, the pressure group was banned, but their fervor persisted, leading to the formation of the Paddar Front. This group not only continued to advocate for ST status but also brought other pertinent issues to the forefront. In late 80s , the public of Paddar led Sh Hari Krishan Tickoo staged protest before the Governor House and also held press conferences which further underscored their unwavering determination. Even in the face of atrocities, the educated supporters of the demand remained resolute in their pursuit, undeterred by setbacks and challenges.
Optimistic advocacy phase
With the advent of the BJP-led government under the astute leadership of PM Modi, the Paddari community entered the optimistic advocacy phase. They rejuvenated process to seek ST status was met with renewed hope as prominent political figure Sunil Sharma and various social organizations pledged unwavering support to the cause. Through their unwavering determination and tireless efforts, along with the active backing of influential figures like Dr Jatinder Singh and Ashok Koul, the demand for ST status was projected with utmost efficacy. The delegation of Paddar, led by Sunil Sharma, presented their demand before multiple high-ranking officials, including Governors, Union Cabinet Tribal Minister, and Home Minister. Additionally, the J&K Socially and Educationally Backward Classes Commission, led by Justice GD Sharma, was constituted, and the Paddar delegation submitted its memorandum, claiming ST status on par with Pangi. The commission recognized the merit of their demand and recommended granting ST status to Paddar, a recommendation validated by the Registrar General of India and the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes. This phase culminated in the realization of their aspirations, validating their rich cultural heritage, and paving the way for anticipated economic and social upliftment for the Paddari community during the monsoon session of parliament.
Throughout the successive phases, the indomitable public of Paddar tenaciously submitted memoranda before esteemed dignitaries who graced the region with their presence. Their unwavering commitment was underscored by an abiding faith and staunch support in the political party, which earlier stood outside the corridors of power but now commands the helm of affairs.The community’s optimism, bolstered by influential support, played a pivotal role in achieving this momentous milestone.
The Significance of Tribal Status
Tribal Status brings numerous benefits to the Paddari community, the most crucial being the validation of their unique cultural identity. The government’s recognition of their distinct art, dialect, traditions, and customs ensures the preservation of their heritage for future generations, safeguarding it from the pressures of modernization and globalization. Additionally, Tribal Status addresses the economic challenges faced by Paddar. It opens avenues for government welfare schemes, educational initiatives, and infrastructure development, providing essential support to uplift the community and foster entrepreneurship.
The attainment of Tribal Status empowers the Paddari tribe to actively participate in the economic development of the region. By availing themselves of government support and welfare initiatives, the community can work towards improving their livelihoods and enhancing the overall socio-economic conditions. Moreover, inclusivity is a crucial aspect of Tribal Status. The recognition not only celebrates the uniqueness of the Paddari tribe but also ensures their representation in decision-making processes at local and national levels.
With the grant of Tribal Status, the Paddari tribe has the responsibility to preserve and protect their cultural identity. Their traditions and customs are not relics of the past; instead, they are guiding stars that can illuminate the path towards a flourishing future. It is essential to pass down the wisdom of their forefathers to the younger generation, instilling in them a sense of pride in their roots and the strength that lies in unity. To do so, the community must strike a delicate balance between embracing positive aspects of modernity while preserving their tradition.
The recognition of the Paddari tribe’s unique cultural heritage must not lead to isolation. Instead, it should serve as a catalyst for building bridges with other communities and embracing diversity. By sharing the beauty of their culture and learning from the traditions of others, the Paddari tribe can foster unity and understanding among different groups, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious society.
Challenges and the Path Ahead
While Tribal Status brings new opportunities, it also presents challenges. The forces of modernity and global influences may threaten to erode traditions, making it vital for the community to stand firm in preserving their identity. Additionally, ensuring the effective implementation of government welfare schemes and initiatives requires collaborative efforts between the community and administration. Continued advocacy and awareness-raising are necessary to secure the full benefits of Tribal Status.
The grant of Tribal Status to the Paddari tribe is a momentous occasion in the history of the community. It represents a triumph of resilience and determination, celebrating their unique cultural heritage and providing avenues for inclusivity and empowerment. However, the journey towards justice and recognition is an ongoing effort that requires the support and solidarity of society as a whole. By preserving their identity, promoting unity, and embracing diversity, the Paddari tribe can build a legacy that makes their ancestors proud and inspires other communities to do the same. Together, India can become a more equitable and harmonious nation, where every community’s uniqueness is celebrated and empowered. So, my fellow Paddaris, let us seize this opportunity with open arms and open hearts. Let us march forward, hand in hand, and together, we can build a future where our culture thrives, where our identity shines bright, and where the world recognizes the unique treasure of Paddar.