Tribute to Lion of Duggar Land

Ravi Rohmetra
By the turn of the nineteenth century, Jammu started experiencing reverberations of the political and social awakening in the rest of the country. In the field of religious and social reform since politics was still a taboo in state, Lala Hans Raj Mahajan was the most outstanding leader of that phase of Jammu’s history. He pioneered formation of associations of various communities like the Mahajan Sabha and the Rajput Sabha as also of the Anjuman-i-Islamia and acted as their honorary secretary which ensured their mutual cooperation in the common task of social reform. The first secular organization of the State, also non-political to start with, was Dogra Sadar Sabha in 1904. Lala Hansraj dominated the entire social reform movement in Jammu region for half a century from 1892, when he entered into public life, to 1944 when he died. His field of work included campaign for Swadeshi, rights of women, spread of education, economic betterment of backward areas, reform in ceremonies observed at marriage, death and other social occasions, help to widows and orphans, cow protection, cleanliness and redressal of grievances against omissions and commissions of administration. Needless to remind that these activities were vital adjuncts of the national freedom movement. Lala Hans Raj started first two monthly newspapers in the state named the Dogra Gazette and The Mahajan Niti Patar in 1907.
Most of his time was spent in organizing rallies and helping poor. In October 1932 as Srinagar- riots started between Muslims and Kashmiri Pandits, Muslims attacked the house of Pandit Amarnath Kak (elder brother of Pandit, Ramchandra Kak, who was elected as Prime Minister of J and K. At the time Lala Ji was at Srinagar. He came to know about this and with the help of some of his associates, he reached Amarnath’s house and saved the life of his family members and took them to Hazuri Bagh near Amira Kadal. After that with the help of a local Hindu leader, Keshav Bandu, he decided to hold a conference in which Hindu, Muslims, Sikhs could get united and work for the whole society.
Every political and non-political party condoled. Lala Ji during his time ‘Worked’ for the betterment of the Dogra Sadar Sabha and he was also successful in opening the branches of Dogra Sadar Sabha in whole of the J and K State. Dogra Sadar Sabha also worked for the betterment of the people of Srinagar. Mahajan Sabha, Dogra Sadar Sabha, Ved Mandir and other big’ monuments were constructed with the cooperation of Lala Ji.

“On 18th July 1936 he was unanimously elected as a member of the Assembly. As a Member of Assembly, he worked for every community especially for Kandi belt.
At that time condition of Kandi people was very harsh due to shortage of water. Lala Hans Raj through his life fought against the evils which were prevailing in the Hindu society and strived for the economic and social uplift of the people of the State. He was far ahead of his time. Prince of Wales College was established in Jammu because of his sustained efforts. He fought against the dowry system, untouchability, child marriage and smoking. He favoured widow marriage. He asked the Jammuites to get themselves educated in Urdu language if they wanted to get Government jobs. His efforts forced Maharaja Hari Singh to construct abridge over the river Chenab at Akhnoor. He fought his whole life against the evils which were prevailing in the Hindu society like dowry system, untouchability, child marriage and social upliftment of the people of the State.
Akhil Bhartiya Mahajan Shiromani Sabha, with its branches in different parts of the country worked for social reforms.
He was also known as the “Dogra General”. Lala Ji died in the intervening night of 26th/27th February 1944. He was 77. Whole of the society was shocked to hear about the demise of Lala Hans Raj Mahajan.
In the memory of Lala Ji a Park “Lala Hans Raj Park” in Jammu and a big building in Delhi are used by people in different ways, thus helping the people.
It was due to his keen interest and active participation in social service and social reforms that Lala Hans Raj Mahajan Ji was considered as a friend, philosopher and guide by all. They held him in very high esteem and called him Sher-E-Duggar.