Triple Talaq should not be used to create divisions among Muslims: PM

BHUBANESWAR, Apr 16: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said any kind of ‘soshan (exploitation)’ is undesirable and that the issue of Triple Talaq should not be used to create divisions among Muslims.

Addressing the valedictory address at the two-day BJP National Executive meet here, Mr Modi said his government was committed to the welfare of all sections and thus would like to fight any kind of  ‘soshan’ (exploitation). “But it should not be used to create divisions among the Muslim society,” the Prime Minister told the meeting.

Giving the information, senior Union Minister and former BJP chief Nitin Gadkari said the Prime Minister also gave emphasis on Van Dhan – in tune with the earlier slogan of Jan Dhan – and said the government and the BJP should work for development of tribal communities and also ensure environmental protection.

“If there are social evils, the society should be woken up and efforts made to provide justice,”  Mr Modi said, adding thus there should not be exploitation of Muslim women.

In his address, the Prime Minister urged the BJP workers and leaders to work hard and get ready for  “long jump” and trigger their ambitions to achieve greater milestones in development.

According to Mr Gadkari, the Prime Minister in his address said along with Jan Dhan — the BJP and the NDA government should work for development of tribals under a theme Van Dhan and also facilitate effective use of water through Jal Dhan.

Mr Modi underlined that India should achieve “social and economic equity” and on the occasion, he laid emphasis on P-2 and G-2 formula — that is stress on Pro-People Pro-Active approach and also to ensure Good Governance. (agencies)