Troops displaying highest traditions of sacrifice, dedication: Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi offers sweets to a soldier in Gurez.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi offers sweets to a soldier in Gurez.

PM visits Gurez sector on Diwali
Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Oct 20: Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday lauded security forces for protecting motherland with valour, displaying highest traditions of sacrifice and dedications as he celebrated his fourth Diwali in a row with troops in Gurez sector of Bandipora district on the Line of Control (LoC), boosting morale of the soldiers, who brave extreme tough weather conditions and disconnection of road link to Gurez Valley in entire winter due to snow, to defend the boundaries with Pakistan.
“Glad to have celebrated Diwali with our brave Army and BSF jawans in the Gurez Valley, Jammu and Kashmir. Our forces protect our motherland with utmost valour, displaying highest traditions of sacrifice and dedications,” the Prime Minister, who was accompanied by Army chief Gen Bipin Rawat, Northern Command chief Lt Gen Devraj Anbu and GOC Srinagar-based 15 Corps Lt Gen JS Sandhu, said in a series of tweets after addressing the troops in remote Gurez sector of Kashmir, about 200 kilometers from Srinagar.
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Modi said spending time with security forces gives him new energy.
“Spending time with our forces gives me new energy. We exchanged sweets and interacted. Happy to know the jawans practice Yoga regularly,” the Prime Minister said in another tweet.
In his brief address to security forces in Gurez sector, Modi dwelt about benefits of practicing Yoga for everyone including the security personnel.
Lauding bravery and courage of the soldiers, Modi said their presence at the borders generates new energy among 125 crores Indians, who celebrate the festival as their safety is assured by the jawans, guarding the borders.
The Prime Minister also wrote a brief note on visitors’ book after addressing the troops in Gurez sectors.
“I have had an opportunity to spend the festival of Diwali with you. The presence of brave soldiers at the border, on this festive occasion, lights the lamp of hope and generates new energy among crores of Indians… To accomplish the dream of ‘New India,’ this is a golden opportunity for all of us to work together.”
The Army also tweeted about Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit.
“Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated Diwali with troops deployed on LoC in Gurez sector,” a tweet by the spokesperson, Ministry of Defence, said.
To boost morale of security personnel guarding the LoC with Pakistan in extreme tough weather conditions at the heights of Gurez sector in Bandipora district of Kashmir, the Prime Minister personally distributed sweets among the soldiers and lauded their courage and valour with which they were protecting the motherland. He also interacted with the jawans on duty.
Gurez Sector has been prone to shelling from Pakistan army and has seen a number of infiltration attempts this year. Majority of infiltration attempts have been foiled by the alert troops.
Addressing the jawans, Modi said like everyone else, he too wished to spend Diwali with his family. That was why he had come to the jawans of the armed forces, whom he considered to be his “family.”
He said this would definitely enhance their abilities and give them a sense of calm.
The Prime Minister said the Centre was committed to the welfare and the betterment of the armed forces. He mentioned the implementation of ‘One Rank, One Pension,’ which had been pending for decades.
This is the fourth year in a row that Modi celebrated Diwali festival with jawans. This was also his fourth Diwali as the Prime Minister. In 2014, he spent the day with the troops at Siachen Glacier, the highest battlefield in the world and flood-victims of Srinagar. In 2015, he had visited jawans in Amritsar at the Dogra war memorial. Last year, it was with ITBP jawans in Himachal Pradesh.
Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also celebrated Diwali with troops at Andaman and Nicobar Island. Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had recently spent three days with troops guarding Line of Actual Control (LoC) with China in Uttarakhand.
The Prime Minister flew back to New Delhi yesterday afternoon from Gurez sector.
Meanwhile, former Chief Minister and National Conference working president Omar Abdullah thanked the Prime Minister for his gesture. “Thank you for celebrating Diwali with the people and troops in Gurez,” he tweeted.
“Please gift the people and troops a tunnel under Razdan Pass. Physical and mobile connectivity would be your biggest gifts to the area this Diwali, Omar wrote on twitter.
He highlighted the poor mobile connectivity in the area in a series of tweets to the official handle of the Prime Minister.