Truck driver killed, conductor injured in road accident on Leh highway

SRINAGAR: A truck driver was killed while his conductor was critically injured in a road accident on 434-km-long Srinagar-Leh highway on Saturday.
Official sources said that a truck, which was on way from Leh to Srinagar, slipped and fell into a 200 feet deep gorge at around 0400 hrs on Saturday near Fotula Top on the highway, resulting in on the spot of death of the driver and critical injuries to the conductor.
A search and rescue operation was immediately launched and the injured conductor, who is also the the driver’s brother, was evacuated from the spot and taken to a hospital. The body of the driver, identified as Mohammad Aslam, was also retrieved from the gorge.
After completing all the legal and medical formalities, the body of the deceased was handed over to his relatives for last rites.
Police has registered a case and initiated investigation into the incident. (AGENCY)